Przegląd Archeologiczny 2024-12-05T08:50:13+00:00 Małgorzata Markiewicz Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Przegląd Archeologiczny </strong>to rocznik poświęcony archeologii. Na łamach wychodzącego od stu lat Przeglądu Archeologicznego swoje prace opublikowało kilka pokoleń polskich i zagranicznych archeologów, znacznie przyczyniając się do rozwoju archeologii Polski i Europy Środkowej. Tematyka prac drukowanych na kartach periodyku obejmowała zagadnienia dotyczące metodologii oraz problematyki wszystkich epok od paleolitu po średniowiecze, na obszarze Europy, Ameryki i Bliskiego Wschodu. Redakcja Przeglądu Archeologicznego dąży do publikowania większych opracowań monograficznych dotyczących archeologii prehistorycznej i wczesnośredniowiecznej, głównie z krajów europejskich, a także metodologii i historii badań archeologicznych. Dużo miejsca również poświęca recenzjom, dyskusjom i polemikom. <em>Przegląd Archeologiczny</em> jest otwarty dla naukowców z różnych instytucji polskich i zagranicznych. Jakość artykułów jest gwarantowana przez licznych członków Komitetu Redakcyjnego, a także recenzentów, profesorów-specjalistów z Uniwersytetów, Instytutów Polskiej Akademii Nauk i instytucji zagranicznych.<br />Procedura recenzyjna, przygotowanie do druku oraz publikacja tekstów na łamach czasopisma są bezpłatne. Do wszystkich publikowanych materiałów zapewniany jest natychmiastowy wolny dostęp na międzynarodowej licencji CC-BY. <br /><img src="łe1a1.jpg" width="200" height="39" /></p> <p><strong>ISSN 0079-7138</strong><strong><br />e-ISSN 2657-4004<img src="" alt="" width="793" height="206" /></strong></p> <p><strong>Indeksowane w:</strong> SCOPUS, DOAJ, EBSCO, ICI JML, CEJSH, ERIH Plus, SJR</p> Anne Teather, Peter Topping and Jon Baczkowski (red.), Mining and Quarrying in Neolithic Europe: A Social Perspective. Neolithic Studies Group Seminar Papers 16. OXBOW Books, Oxford & Philadelphia 2019, ss. 206 + XVIII, ISBN 978-1-78925-148-7 2024-11-14T09:38:27+00:00 Andrzej Leligdowicz <p>-</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Przegląd Archeologiczny Prof. dr hab. Jan Eugeniusz Machnik (20 września 1930 – 7 października 2023) 2024-11-14T09:38:31+00:00 Andrzej Pelisiak <p>-</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Przegląd Archeologiczny Prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Bukowski (29 marca 1931 – 25 lipca 2024) 2024-11-14T09:35:26+00:00 Danuta Minta-Tworzowska <p>-</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Przegląd Archeologiczny O problemach badania sztuki w archeologii 2024-11-14T09:38:24+00:00 Ewa Bugaj <p>In the article, the author attempts to assess the validity of including prehistoric and ancient artefacts in the category of art and considers the problems of studying art in archaeology in the context of the most important transformations of cultural philosophical concepts concerning visual experience. It raises the issues of defining art and aesthetics by discussing essentialist and anti-essentialist approaches, presents a whole range of conceptualisations of art in archaeology and the methods of its analysis, taking into account traditional works, as well as new ones based on social constructivism and postmodernity, focussing especially on the original achievements of Polish researchers in this regard.</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Przegląd Archeologiczny Dualistic seasonal changes in the Late Glacial of the Central European Plain – towards a socio-archaeological concept of Late Palaeolithic mobility 2024-11-14T09:38:29+00:00 Jakub Mugaj <p>The paper presents basic concepts regarding seasonal changes in hunter-gatherer societies (derived from processual, evolutionary and social theories) and the resulting models of mobility. The text presents the current applications of these models in studies on the Late Palaeolithic communities of the European lowlands and the reasons for their use. It also examines the possibilities and limitations of using an alternative dualistic model based on the newest research on the Late Palaeolithic settlement, particularly its early period related to the Hamburgian Culture occupation.</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Przegląd Archeologiczny Grób z Kazimierzy Wielkiej, stan. 3 w świetle analizy chronometrycznej kultury pucharów dzwonowatych na Wyżynie Małopolskiej 2024-11-14T09:38:44+00:00 Paweł Jarosz Małgorzata Byrska-Fudali Radosław Czerniak Anita Szczepanek <p>In the area of the Małopolska Upland there are known eleven sites with graves of the Bell Beaker culture. A new single grave of this culture was discovered in 2019, at Site 3 in Kazimierza Wielka. The grave inventory consisted of three vessels. The remains of a male aged 40-50 years were discovered in this feature. Analysis of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in the bones of this individual indicate a terrestrial diet based on C3 plants supplemented with animal protein. Signatures of strontium isotopes suggest that the man may have spent his childhood in the area of the Pińczów Hummock. The date 3885±35 BP was obtained from the bones of this person (Poz-134513), which can be calibrated with a probability of 60.8% to the years 2456-2340 BC . The conducted modelling of the obtained AMS dates from Bell Beaker culture graves allows us to establish a range of the presence of this culture in the Małopolska Upland for the years 2400/2350-2200 BC.</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Przegląd Archeologiczny Kontakty między terenami Serbii i Bośni a Europy środkowej w epoce brązu z perspektywy badań nad wymianą bursztynu 2024-11-14T09:38:50+00:00 Mateusz Cwaliński <p>The presented article is a contribution to the topic of amber circulation in Europe during the Bronze Age. Its main goal is to explain, based on archival and new data obtained in the course of the latest research, the issue of the origin and routes of influx of amber to the Central Balkans in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. The discussion focuses on a group of amber finds from the contemporary<br />Bosnian-Serbian borderland. The provenance analyses carried out so far prove that the amber found there is of Baltic origin. Observations from the typological overview of amber artefacts, as well as bronze and ceramic finds cooccurring with them, have been compared with the results of recent analyses of the origin of copper and tin used in the production of bronze. Based on these observations, it can be concluded that amber reached the Central Balkans via the Tumulus Culture communities from Central Europe and the Carpathian Basin along the exchange routes of raw metals and bronze products.</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Przegląd Archeologiczny Siekierka typu Tautušiai z Bagienic Małych, pow. mrągowski, jako przykład złożoności i znaczenia przypadkowych znalezisk akwatycznych. 2024-11-14T09:38:37+00:00 Joanna Urban <p>In this article, a single find of an axe of Tautušiai type from Bagienice Małe, Mrągowo district, is presented in a broad comparative background. The results of the stylistic-chronological analysis, attempts to objectify it, and the results of chemical studies of the alloy are presented. Consideration is also given to the function of this object both in the context of use (a tool, a weapon or a symbol of prestige) and its role and significance as an aquatic deposit.</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Przegląd Archeologiczny Textiles from the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age in the Vistula and Oder River Basin – Poland 2024-12-05T08:50:13+00:00 Joanna Słomska-Bolonek <p>This article presents all archaeologically identified finds of the textile evidence dating to the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age from Poland. They have been subjected to qualitative and technological analysis. The identified collection has been divided into individual groups of finds/artefacts to discuss their internal differentiation and to capture the characteristics of changes. The amount of collected evidence allowed for a comparative analysis with the evidence from the neighbouring regions and an assessment of the level of weaving skills. The material shows that there was the leap in technological and qualitative progress occurring in the Early Iron Age, also affecting Poland. This is apparent mainly in the southwestern regions of the country, through a significant increase in the number of medium and good-quality woven products and a clear diversification of textile production. Nevertheless, this level is still significantly lower than that which can be observed in the evidence from the Mediterranean, Austria, Southern Germany or Denmark.</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Przegląd Archeologiczny Opracowanie wczesnośredniowiecznej ceramiki naczyniowej ze stanowiska Łozina 17, pow. wrocławski – wstęp do rozważań nad dziejami osadnictwa w północno-wschodniej i centralnej części obecnego Dolnego Śląska w X i XI w. 2024-11-14T09:38:52+00:00 Krystian Chrzan <p>Thanks to the diligent efforts of archaeologists in the past several years, a thorough examination of the early medieval settlement complex in Łozina near Wrocław has been successfully conducted. This complex comprises a stronghold and surrounding villages. In this article, we present an analysis of pottery from one of the sites located within the aforementioned locality. However, this analysis does not constitute the primary objective of the study. It serves as a starting point for reflections on the mechanisms and course of settlement transformations in the northern and central parts of Lower Silesia in the 10th and 11th centuries. The presence of culturally foreign elements in the later Łozina area has led to the hypothesis of population movements from the basin of the Barycz River. Subsequent waves of migrants from the Łozina region headed southward, and then along the Oder River, both eastward and possibly westward. The migration route was marked by the presence of small ring forts and pottery adorned with zone ornamentation.</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Przegląd Archeologiczny Próba rekonstrukcji wyrobu wczesnośredniowiecznych naczyń glinianych z Wolina i chronologia ich użytkowania 2024-11-14T09:38:34+00:00 Marek Dworaczyk <p>The article contains the results of recent research on early medieval Wolin ceramics, based on the study of sources from excavations 6/1660, 6/109 and 8, located in the Old Town, where the origins of this settlement complex are found. Based on their results, an attempt was made to reconstruct how the vessels were made and the chronology of their use was determined. The chronological assessment used a qualitative-quantitative analysis method, which is based on the assumption of temporal coincidence of sets of vessels with similar or similar sets of components constituting them. The description of the collections carried out in this way made it possible to distinguish several phases of the development the ceramics of early medieval Wolin, which correspond to the latest proposal for the periodization of this category of sources in Western Pomerania. This dating was supported by the results of radiocarbon and dendrological research.</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Przegląd Archeologiczny Dekorowane naczynia z tykwy kultury Wari, Peru 2024-11-14T09:38:39+00:00 Emanuela Rudnicka <p>The subject of the present study is pre-Columbian pyro-engraved gourd vessels (mates pirograbados) discovered at Castillo de Huarmey – a necropolis of the Wari Empire elites located on the Pacific coast of present-day Peru. The iconographic analysis and further iconological interpretation of the ornamental motifs made it possible to identify distinctive native features and foreign influences indicating an intentional reference to earlier traditions, particularly evident in the depictions of supernatural beings. The entire iconographic system of the gourd vessels from Castillo de Huarmey is thus an expression of the imperial ideology drawing on traditions of sanctioning power previously known on the coast.</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Przegląd Archeologiczny Archeologia wspólnotowa – przykład krajobrazu poobozowego w Lamsdorf (Łambinowice) 2024-11-30T12:59:11+00:00 Dawid Kobiałka Michał Pawleta Kamil Karski <p>Community archaeology is becoming an increasingly important way of conducting archaeological research in many countries all around the world. This article concerns the scientific project entitled “Science for Society, Society for Science at the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice” which is a place where various prisoners of war and resettlement camps functioned between 1870 and 1946. The main idea of the project was set in the interpretation framework of community archaeology that approaches the practice of the discipline as a form of social interaction between science and local communities. In the first part of the paper, the main assumptions, goals and research methods used during the first season of field research in 2022 at the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice are presented. The second part defines the very idea of community archaeology and its social potential. The application and benefits of making in practice the idea of community archaeology during interdisciplinary research at the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice comprises the final section of this text. Thus, this paper aims to present archaeology as a social practice inherently rooted in the present that can be successfully implemented with the active participation of local communities and volunteers.</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Przegląd Archeologiczny Uwagi o triangulacji jako metodzie analiz przestrzennych, czyli czego nadal nie wiemy o strukturach osadniczych okresu przedrzymskiego i okresu wpływów rzymskich na Nizinie Pyrzyckiej 2024-11-14T09:35:30+00:00 Przemyslaw Krajewski <p>The text concerns triangulation as a method of settlement analysis as proposed by Valde-Nowak (1995; 2001), as well as subsequent method modifications introduced by Krajewski (2003; 2004). The characteristics of the method allowed us to carry out a critical analysis of a case study in which the method was employed (Chmiel-Chrzanowska, Adamczyk 2022; also Chmiel-Chrzanowska 2017). This analysis showed that the research into the settlements of the Roman and pre-Roman periods on the Pyrzyce Lowland had significant methodological errors at each stage of the research process. As a result, the study is not considered to be up to the academic standard and the conclusions presented therein are considered unreliable due to lack of sufficient evidence.</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Przegląd Archeologiczny W odpowiedzi na polemikę Przemysława Krajewskiego 2024-11-14T09:35:28+00:00 Marta Chmiel-Chrzanowska Michał Adamczyk <p>The following article is a response to Przemysław Krajewski’s critique of our previous publication concerning Pre-Roman and Roman Iron Ages in the Pyrzyce Lowland Area. The Author focuses on the application of the triangulation method. However, there are numerous inconsistencies, misinterpretations and manipulations based on the author’s assumptions rather than facts. In this short answer we are responding to two groups of arguments, regarding sources and raw data, as well as an application of the method. Some overall remarks on the author’s text are also included.</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Przegląd Archeologiczny