A German Coin Group with Byzantine-Arabic Models and an Overlooked “Type 7”





Viking Age, coin dies, die chains, imitation, coin hoards, weight analysis


The present article highlights a remarkable group of German coins that includes examples with both Byzantine and Arabic models. It all started with a couple of auction sales of a type of coin that had one face with a German-inspired image of the emperor and the other face with an image imitating a Byzantine model. It turned out that the coins could be linked to the German coin group, published in 1968 by Vera Hatz and Ulla Linder Welin. A new, seventh type can now be linked to the group, and a number of new specimens are also presented, from finds and from sales. An analysis indicates that the group, previously associated with Franconia and the Middle Rhine region, was probably minted in a more easterly but still undefined location of the Empire.


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How to Cite

Gunnarsson, B. (2024). A German Coin Group with Byzantine-Arabic Models and an Overlooked “Type 7” . Wiadomości Numizmatyczne, 68(212), 51–80. https://doi.org/10.23858/WN68.2024.003


