Roast It and Save the Juice! Medieval Ceramic Dripping Pots from Gdańsk


  • Joanna Dąbal Institute of Archaeology, University of Gdańsk



Gdańsk, Middle Ages, ceramics, dripping pots, kitchen, archaeology


Many aspects of medieval cuisine may be identified through material sources discovered during the archaeological investigations, one of which is the use of spit-roasting equipment, particularly ceramic dripping pots. The paper presents the largest collection of such finds, comprising 133 artefacts from Gdańsk discovered during excavations carried out at 3 Maja and Sukiennicza Streets. Although some examples from this city have already been mentioned in literature, they have never been studied in a wider context.


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How to Cite

Dąbal, J. (2024). Roast It and Save the Juice! Medieval Ceramic Dripping Pots from Gdańsk. Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae, 37, 113–126.



Materials and Discoveries