Current Issue


The goal of archaeology as a scientific discipline – in the classical approach used since the mid-19th century – has been to learn about the history of societies from the earliest times to the appearance of the first written sources. This definition, although still valid, has begun to undergo significant revision in the last half-century. First, in European areas, the acquisition of sources using the method of archaeological research covered medieval and early modern times, then, gradually, moved closer and closer to the present day. These shifting boundaries were not sharp, just as the boundaries between historical eras are blurred.

In the current volume of Archaeologia Polona, we present a set of articles with varied content, presenting archaeological echoes of wars that have swept through the areas of Central Europe in recent times.

Published: 2023-12-31

Archaeologia Polona is a peer-reviewed (Double-Blind Peer Reviews) journal edited and annually published in the English language  by the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, intended for an international audience. Its main purpose is to present a wide range of various approaches to the most important problems of contemporary archaeology.

Editor: Dr Dagmara H. Werra
ISSN: 0066-5924
eISSN: 2719-6542
DOI: 10.23858/APa

Archaeologia Polona provides immediate open access to its content under a CC-BY version 4.0 International licence, on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Authors are not charged any APCs (Article Processing Charges) or other publication fees.

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