Under the Shadow of Conflict: Understanding the Belligerent Landscapes of the Kyiv Triangle
belligerent landscapes, Kyiv triangle, Serpent ramparts, defence system, fortifications, Kyiv Fortified Region, Russian-Ukrainian warAbstract
The article examines the defence system of the city of Kyiv in different historical periods, focusing on the territory of the immediate outskirts of Kyiv – the Kyiv triangle – the northern part of the Kyiv Plateau. From the moment the city of Kyiv was founded until the events of the Russian-Ukrainian war of the 21st century, the unique topography of the microregion was used to build the city’s defence systems. Today, in the region covered by this study, there are the remains of the ancient “Serpent Ramparts”, fortifications of hillforts and cities, the remains of Cossack, Polish and Moscovian forts, redoubts and outposts, pillboxes from the time of the Second World War, modern military fortifications. All these different types of archaeological monuments form a unique belligerent landscapes that require comprehensive research and protection.
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