Sword Pommels of Transitional Types from the Time of Social Transformation in 12th-Century Wrocław, Poland





Wrocław, Middle Ages, old town, sword, sword pommel, social transformation


This paper presents a discussion of sword pommels found during archaeological excavations in the Old Town of Wrocław. The area under investigation, located on the left bank of the Odra River, is where the chartered town had developed a characteristic organised layout in the 13th century. Finds from the High Middle Ages, and among them, the analysed pommels, testify to an earlier settlement in this region. The pommels were excavated from the earliest strata related to this initial settlement phase. They represent forms of Oakeshott’s types B and E (Geibig’s types 15 and 19 respectively) which could be dated to the 12th century.


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How to Cite

Marek, L. (2020). Sword Pommels of Transitional Types from the Time of Social Transformation in 12th-Century Wrocław, Poland. Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae, 33, 37–48. https://doi.org/10.23858/FAH33.2020.003


