Befestigungen am IV Nilkatarakt in Nubien : ein Symbol der Änderung oder Änderung des Symbols?
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5-6 w. -- Nubia, Sudan, fortyfikacje wczesnośredniowieczne, konstrukcja murów wczesnośredniowiecznychAbstrakt
Over the last few years research in the fourth Nile cataract region, northeast of the city of Old Dongola, near modern Abu Hamed, has made considerable progress. Rescue excavations, carried out in connection with the construction of a new dam on the Nile at Merowe region, yielded a lot of new valuable information. New graves and settlements were discovered; furthermore, archaeological and architectural surveys of a number of strongholds were conducted. Excavations of the Kaldob, Suweigi, Redab and Umm Ulait fortresses indicated that all these structures were probably built in the 5th and 6th centuries. In the social, political and economic reality of the time they could have been built only at the discretion of a king. This article attempts to answer some basic questions: What was the reason for building these strongholds? What were their functions and the role they played?
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