Animal Husbandry and Meat Consumption in Makurite Dongola, Sudan. Faunal Evidence from the Royal Residence Area, 6th–17th Century
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6-17 w. -- Sudan, Stara Dongola (Sudan), Makuria królestwo -- Sudan, gospodarka zwierzętami, konsumpcja mięsa, szczątki kostne zwierząt, archeozoologiczne badania, gatunki zwierzątAbstrakt
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Adams, W.Y. 1977. Nubia: Corridor to Africa, Princeton, N.J
Adams, W.Y. 1991. “The United Kingdom of Makouria and Nobadia:a Medieval Nubian Anomaly,” in: W.V. Davies (ed.), Egyptand Africa: Nubia from Prehistory to Islam, London, 16 –32
Amills, M., O. Ramírez, O. Galman-Omitogun, and A. Clop. 2013.“Domestic Pigs in Africa,” African Archaeological Re view30/1, 73–82
Blench, R.M. 2000. “African minor livestock species,” in:R.M. Blench and K.C. MacDonald (eds.), The Origins and Development of African Livestock. Archaeology, Genetics, Linguisticsand Ethnography, London, 314–338
Boessneck, J. 1956. “Ein Beitrag zur Errechnung der Widerristhöhenach Metapodienmaßen bei Rindern,” Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtungund Züchtungsbiologie 68, 75–90
Boessneck, J. 1988. Die Tierwelt des alten Ägypten: Untersucht anhandkulturgeschichtlicher und zoologischer Quellen, München
Boulfroy, N. 1989. Madagascar, arts de la vie et de la survie(Ca hiers de l ‘Adeiao 8), Paris
Calkin, V.I. 1960. “Izmienčivost metapodii i jego znanie dljaizučenija krupnogo rogatogo skota drevnosti,” Bjulletin MoskovskogoObščestva Ispytatelej Prirody 65/1, 109–126
Chaix, L. 2007. “Contribution to the knowledge of domesticcattle in Africa: The osteometry of fossil Bos turus L. fromKerma, Sudan (2050 –1750 BC),” in: G. Grupe and J. Peters(eds.), Documenta Archaeobiologiae 5: Skeletal Series and theirSocio-Economic Context, Rahden, 170–249
Chaix, L. 2010. “Animal exploitation during Napatan and Meroitictimes in the Sudan,” in: W. Godlewski and A. Łajtar (eds.),Between the Cataracts. Proceedings of the 11th InternationalConference for Nubian Studies: Warsaw University, 27 August– 2 September 2006. Part Two: Session Papers (fasc. 1–2)(PAM Supplement Series 2.2/1-2), Warsaw, 519–525
Chaix L. 2011. “A Review of the History of Cattle in the Sudanthrough the Holocene,” in: H. Jousse and J. Lesur (eds.),People and Animals in Holocene Africa: Recent Advances inAr chaeozoology (Reports in African Archaeology 2), Frankfurtam Main, 13–26
Chaix, L. and A. Grant. 1987. “A study of a prehistoric populationof sheep (Ovis aries L.) from Kerma (Sudan). Archaeozoologicaland archaeological implications,” Archaeozoologia 1/1, 77– 92
Chaix, L. and A. Grant. 1992. “Cattle in Ancient Nubia,” Anthropozoologica16, 6– 66
Chaplin, R.E. 1971. The Study of Animal Bones from ArchaeologicalSites, London–New York
Corbet, G.B. 1978. The Mammals of the Palaearctic Region:a Taxonomic Review, London
Epstein, H. 1971. The Origin of the Domestic Animals of Africa, Leipzig
Fock, J. 1966. Metrische Untersuchungen an Metapodien einigereuropäischer Rinderrassen, Diss. med. vet., LMU-München
Gautier, A. 1999. “Fauna domesticated,” in: K.A. Bard (ed.),Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt, London,300–306
Gautier, A. and W. Van Neer. 2011. “The fauna of Kadero and thearrival of pastoralism in the Nile Valley of Central Sudan,” in: M. Chłodnicki, M. Kobusiewicz, and K. Kroeper (eds.), TheLech Krzyżaniak Excavations in the Sudan. Kadero (PoznańAr chaeological Museum, Studies in African Archaeology 10),Poznań, 375– 407
Godlewski, W. 1991. “The Birth of Nubian Art: Some Remarks,”in: W.V. Davies (ed.), Egypt and Africa: Nubia from Prehistory to Islam, London, 253–256
Godlewski, W. 1991. “The fortifi cations of Old Dongola. Reportson the 1990 Season,” Archéologie du Nil Moyen 5, 103 –128
Godlewski, W. 1996. “Old Dongola. Kom A,” PAM 8, 179 –187
Godlewski, W. 1997. “Old Dongola. Excavations 1997 – Kom A,”PAM 9, 171–179
Godlewski, W. 1998. “Old Dongola. Excavations 1998 – Kom A,”PAM 10, 113–119
Godlewski, W. 2000. “Old Dongola. Kom A, 1999,” PAM 11,197–207
Godlewski, W. 2001. “Old Dongola. Kom A,” PAM 13, 203–216
Godlewski, W. 2002. “Dongola in the 6th –7th centuries,” GdańskArchaeological Museum and Heritage Protection Fund AfricanReports 2, 58–69
Godlewski, W. 2003. “Old Dongola. Kom A (Acropolis),” PAM 15,193–215
Godlewski, W. 2005. “Old Dongola. Kom A (Acropolis),” PAM 17,287–299
Godlewski, W. 2012. “Dongola 2008–2009,” PAM 21, 289–314
Grajetzki, W. 2009. “Das Ende der christlich-nubischen Reiche,”in: M. Fitzenreiter (ed.), Das Ereignis, Geschichtsschreibungzwischen Vorfall und Befund, London, 117–124
Gręzak, A. 2007. Zwierzęta w gospodarce średniowiecznego Kołobrzegu, 2. połowa XIII – XV w., Warszawa
Grigson, C. 2000. “Bos africanus (Brehm?): Notes on the archaeozoology of the native cattle of Africa,” in: R.M. Blenchand K.C. MacDonald (eds.), The Origins and Developmentof African Livestock. Archaeology, Genetics, Linguistic andEthnography, London, 38–60
Jakobielski, S. 1992. Christian Nubia at the Height of its Civilization (UNESCO General History of Africa, Vol. III), Berkeley
Jakobielski, S. 2001. “35 Years of Polish Excavations at OldDongola. a Factfi le,” in: S. Jakobielski and P.O. Scholz (eds), Dongola-Studien. 35 Jahre polnischer Forschungen im Zentrumdes makuritischen Reiches, Warszawa, 1– 48
Kolda, J. 1936. Srovnavaci anatomie zviřat domacich se zřetelemk anatomii člověka, Brno
Lasota-Moskalewska, A. 2008, Archeozoologia. Ssaki, Warszawa
Linseele, V., W. Van Neer, and R. Friedman. 2009. “Specialani mals from a special place? The fauna from HK29A at PredynasticHierakonpolis,” Journal of the American ResearchCenter in Egypt 45, 105–136
Lutnicki, W. 1972. Uzębienie zwierząt domowych, Warszawa– Kraków
MacDonald, K.C. 2000. “The Origin of African Livestock: Indigenousor Imported?,” in: R.M. Blench and K.C. MacDonald(eds.), The Origins and Development of African Livestock.Archaeology, Genetics, Linguistic and Ethnography, London,38–42
Matolcsi, J. 1970. “Historische Erforschung der Körpergrössedes Rindes auf Grund von ungarischem Knochenmaterial,”Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie 87, 89 –137
Moret, A. 1972. The Nile and Egyptian Civilization, London
Müller, H.H. 1973. “Das Tierknochenmaterial aus den frühgeschichtlichen Siedlungen von Tornow, Kr. Calau,” in: J. Herrmann(ed.), Die germanischen und slawischen Siedlungen unddas mittelalterliche Dorf von Tornow, Kr. Calau (Schriften zurUr- und Frühgeschichte 26), Berlin, 278–310
Osypińska, M. 2004. “Animal Bone Remains from Old Dongola. Osteological Material from Building B.I. on Kom A,” PAM 15, ]224 –230
Osypińska, M. 2008. “Faunal remains from the monastery in OldDongola (kom H). Season 2006,” PAM 18, 376–384
Osypińska, M. 2008. “Faunal remains from the Tanqasi burialground, season 2006,” PAM 18, 294–297
Osypińska, M. 2010. “Animal bone remains from the cemeteryin El-Zuma (2007 season),” PAM 19, 488– 493
Osypińska, M. 2010. “Domestic Animals from Christian Makuria,”Gdańsk Archaeological Museum and Heritage ProtectionFund African Reports 6, 133–138
Osypińska, M. 2012. “Animals in Rock Art. Results of Archaeological Research at the Site of El-Gammamiya 67 (Fourth Cataract, Sudan),” PAM 21, 703–713
Osypińska, M. 2014. “Archaeozoological research on animal remains from excavations in Dongola 2010,” PAM 22, 229–247
Riefenstahl, L. 1976. Les Nouba et les Nouba de Kau, Paris
Sharabati, D. 1984. Red Sea Shells, London
Shinnie, P.L. 1996. Ancient Nubia, London
Shinnie, P.L. and M. Shinnie. 1965. “New Light on Medieval Nubia”, Journal of African History 6/3, 210–256
Silver, I.A. 1970. “The ageing of domestic animals,” in: D.R. Brothwelland E.S. Higgs (eds.), Science in archaeology: a survey of progress and research, Second edition, New York, 283–302
Stuart, Ch. and T. Stuart. 2006. Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of Africa, Third edition, Cape Town
Sykes, N. and R. Symmons. 2007. “Sexing Cattle Horn-Cores:Problems and Progress,” International Journal of Osteoarchaeology17, 514–523
Török, L. 1988. Late Antique Nubia: history and archaeologyof the southern neighbour of Egypt in the 4th–6th c. A.D., Budapest
Van Neer, W., A. Ervynck, and P. Monsieur. 2010. “Fish bonesand amphorae: evidence for the production and consumptionof salted fi sh products outside the Mediterranean region,” JRA 23, 161–195
von den Driesch, A. 1976. A Guide to the Measurement of Animal Bones from Archaeological Sites (Peabody Museum Bulletins1), Harvard
Welsby, D.A. 1998. Soba II: Renewed Excavations within the Metropolis of the Kingdom of Alwa in Central Sudan (Memoirsof the British Institute in Eastern Africa 15), London
Welsby, D.A. 2002. The Medieval Kingdoms of Nubia: Pagans, Christians and Muslims on the Middle Nile, London
Adams, W.Y. 1991. “The United Kingdom of Makouria and Nobadia:a Medieval Nubian Anomaly,” in: W.V. Davies (ed.), Egyptand Africa: Nubia from Prehistory to Islam, London, 16 –32
Amills, M., O. Ramírez, O. Galman-Omitogun, and A. Clop. 2013.“Domestic Pigs in Africa,” African Archaeological Re view30/1, 73–82
Blench, R.M. 2000. “African minor livestock species,” in:R.M. Blench and K.C. MacDonald (eds.), The Origins and Development of African Livestock. Archaeology, Genetics, Linguisticsand Ethnography, London, 314–338
Boessneck, J. 1956. “Ein Beitrag zur Errechnung der Widerristhöhenach Metapodienmaßen bei Rindern,” Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtungund Züchtungsbiologie 68, 75–90
Boessneck, J. 1988. Die Tierwelt des alten Ägypten: Untersucht anhandkulturgeschichtlicher und zoologischer Quellen, München
Boulfroy, N. 1989. Madagascar, arts de la vie et de la survie(Ca hiers de l ‘Adeiao 8), Paris
Calkin, V.I. 1960. “Izmienčivost metapodii i jego znanie dljaizučenija krupnogo rogatogo skota drevnosti,” Bjulletin MoskovskogoObščestva Ispytatelej Prirody 65/1, 109–126
Chaix, L. 2007. “Contribution to the knowledge of domesticcattle in Africa: The osteometry of fossil Bos turus L. fromKerma, Sudan (2050 –1750 BC),” in: G. Grupe and J. Peters(eds.), Documenta Archaeobiologiae 5: Skeletal Series and theirSocio-Economic Context, Rahden, 170–249
Chaix, L. 2010. “Animal exploitation during Napatan and Meroitictimes in the Sudan,” in: W. Godlewski and A. Łajtar (eds.),Between the Cataracts. Proceedings of the 11th InternationalConference for Nubian Studies: Warsaw University, 27 August– 2 September 2006. Part Two: Session Papers (fasc. 1–2)(PAM Supplement Series 2.2/1-2), Warsaw, 519–525
Chaix L. 2011. “A Review of the History of Cattle in the Sudanthrough the Holocene,” in: H. Jousse and J. Lesur (eds.),People and Animals in Holocene Africa: Recent Advances inAr chaeozoology (Reports in African Archaeology 2), Frankfurtam Main, 13–26
Chaix, L. and A. Grant. 1987. “A study of a prehistoric populationof sheep (Ovis aries L.) from Kerma (Sudan). Archaeozoologicaland archaeological implications,” Archaeozoologia 1/1, 77– 92
Chaix, L. and A. Grant. 1992. “Cattle in Ancient Nubia,” Anthropozoologica16, 6– 66
Chaplin, R.E. 1971. The Study of Animal Bones from ArchaeologicalSites, London–New York
Corbet, G.B. 1978. The Mammals of the Palaearctic Region:a Taxonomic Review, London
Epstein, H. 1971. The Origin of the Domestic Animals of Africa, Leipzig
Fock, J. 1966. Metrische Untersuchungen an Metapodien einigereuropäischer Rinderrassen, Diss. med. vet., LMU-München
Gautier, A. 1999. “Fauna domesticated,” in: K.A. Bard (ed.),Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt, London,300–306
Gautier, A. and W. Van Neer. 2011. “The fauna of Kadero and thearrival of pastoralism in the Nile Valley of Central Sudan,” in: M. Chłodnicki, M. Kobusiewicz, and K. Kroeper (eds.), TheLech Krzyżaniak Excavations in the Sudan. Kadero (PoznańAr chaeological Museum, Studies in African Archaeology 10),Poznań, 375– 407
Godlewski, W. 1991. “The Birth of Nubian Art: Some Remarks,”in: W.V. Davies (ed.), Egypt and Africa: Nubia from Prehistory to Islam, London, 253–256
Godlewski, W. 1991. “The fortifi cations of Old Dongola. Reportson the 1990 Season,” Archéologie du Nil Moyen 5, 103 –128
Godlewski, W. 1996. “Old Dongola. Kom A,” PAM 8, 179 –187
Godlewski, W. 1997. “Old Dongola. Excavations 1997 – Kom A,”PAM 9, 171–179
Godlewski, W. 1998. “Old Dongola. Excavations 1998 – Kom A,”PAM 10, 113–119
Godlewski, W. 2000. “Old Dongola. Kom A, 1999,” PAM 11,197–207
Godlewski, W. 2001. “Old Dongola. Kom A,” PAM 13, 203–216
Godlewski, W. 2002. “Dongola in the 6th –7th centuries,” GdańskArchaeological Museum and Heritage Protection Fund AfricanReports 2, 58–69
Godlewski, W. 2003. “Old Dongola. Kom A (Acropolis),” PAM 15,193–215
Godlewski, W. 2005. “Old Dongola. Kom A (Acropolis),” PAM 17,287–299
Godlewski, W. 2012. “Dongola 2008–2009,” PAM 21, 289–314
Grajetzki, W. 2009. “Das Ende der christlich-nubischen Reiche,”in: M. Fitzenreiter (ed.), Das Ereignis, Geschichtsschreibungzwischen Vorfall und Befund, London, 117–124
Gręzak, A. 2007. Zwierzęta w gospodarce średniowiecznego Kołobrzegu, 2. połowa XIII – XV w., Warszawa
Grigson, C. 2000. “Bos africanus (Brehm?): Notes on the archaeozoology of the native cattle of Africa,” in: R.M. Blenchand K.C. MacDonald (eds.), The Origins and Developmentof African Livestock. Archaeology, Genetics, Linguistic andEthnography, London, 38–60
Jakobielski, S. 1992. Christian Nubia at the Height of its Civilization (UNESCO General History of Africa, Vol. III), Berkeley
Jakobielski, S. 2001. “35 Years of Polish Excavations at OldDongola. a Factfi le,” in: S. Jakobielski and P.O. Scholz (eds), Dongola-Studien. 35 Jahre polnischer Forschungen im Zentrumdes makuritischen Reiches, Warszawa, 1– 48
Kolda, J. 1936. Srovnavaci anatomie zviřat domacich se zřetelemk anatomii člověka, Brno
Lasota-Moskalewska, A. 2008, Archeozoologia. Ssaki, Warszawa
Linseele, V., W. Van Neer, and R. Friedman. 2009. “Specialani mals from a special place? The fauna from HK29A at PredynasticHierakonpolis,” Journal of the American ResearchCenter in Egypt 45, 105–136
Lutnicki, W. 1972. Uzębienie zwierząt domowych, Warszawa– Kraków
MacDonald, K.C. 2000. “The Origin of African Livestock: Indigenousor Imported?,” in: R.M. Blench and K.C. MacDonald(eds.), The Origins and Development of African Livestock.Archaeology, Genetics, Linguistic and Ethnography, London,38–42
Matolcsi, J. 1970. “Historische Erforschung der Körpergrössedes Rindes auf Grund von ungarischem Knochenmaterial,”Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie 87, 89 –137
Moret, A. 1972. The Nile and Egyptian Civilization, London
Müller, H.H. 1973. “Das Tierknochenmaterial aus den frühgeschichtlichen Siedlungen von Tornow, Kr. Calau,” in: J. Herrmann(ed.), Die germanischen und slawischen Siedlungen unddas mittelalterliche Dorf von Tornow, Kr. Calau (Schriften zurUr- und Frühgeschichte 26), Berlin, 278–310
Osypińska, M. 2004. “Animal Bone Remains from Old Dongola. Osteological Material from Building B.I. on Kom A,” PAM 15, ]224 –230
Osypińska, M. 2008. “Faunal remains from the monastery in OldDongola (kom H). Season 2006,” PAM 18, 376–384
Osypińska, M. 2008. “Faunal remains from the Tanqasi burialground, season 2006,” PAM 18, 294–297
Osypińska, M. 2010. “Animal bone remains from the cemeteryin El-Zuma (2007 season),” PAM 19, 488– 493
Osypińska, M. 2010. “Domestic Animals from Christian Makuria,”Gdańsk Archaeological Museum and Heritage ProtectionFund African Reports 6, 133–138
Osypińska, M. 2012. “Animals in Rock Art. Results of Archaeological Research at the Site of El-Gammamiya 67 (Fourth Cataract, Sudan),” PAM 21, 703–713
Osypińska, M. 2014. “Archaeozoological research on animal remains from excavations in Dongola 2010,” PAM 22, 229–247
Riefenstahl, L. 1976. Les Nouba et les Nouba de Kau, Paris
Sharabati, D. 1984. Red Sea Shells, London
Shinnie, P.L. 1996. Ancient Nubia, London
Shinnie, P.L. and M. Shinnie. 1965. “New Light on Medieval Nubia”, Journal of African History 6/3, 210–256
Silver, I.A. 1970. “The ageing of domestic animals,” in: D.R. Brothwelland E.S. Higgs (eds.), Science in archaeology: a survey of progress and research, Second edition, New York, 283–302
Stuart, Ch. and T. Stuart. 2006. Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of Africa, Third edition, Cape Town
Sykes, N. and R. Symmons. 2007. “Sexing Cattle Horn-Cores:Problems and Progress,” International Journal of Osteoarchaeology17, 514–523
Török, L. 1988. Late Antique Nubia: history and archaeologyof the southern neighbour of Egypt in the 4th–6th c. A.D., Budapest
Van Neer, W., A. Ervynck, and P. Monsieur. 2010. “Fish bonesand amphorae: evidence for the production and consumptionof salted fi sh products outside the Mediterranean region,” JRA 23, 161–195
von den Driesch, A. 1976. A Guide to the Measurement of Animal Bones from Archaeological Sites (Peabody Museum Bulletins1), Harvard
Welsby, D.A. 1998. Soba II: Renewed Excavations within the Metropolis of the Kingdom of Alwa in Central Sudan (Memoirsof the British Institute in Eastern Africa 15), London
Welsby, D.A. 2002. The Medieval Kingdoms of Nubia: Pagans, Christians and Muslims on the Middle Nile, London
Jak cytować
Osypińska, M. (2013). Animal Husbandry and Meat Consumption in Makurite Dongola, Sudan. Faunal Evidence from the Royal Residence Area, 6th–17th Century. Archeologia, 64, 67–81. Pobrano z

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