The Kymissala (Rhodes, Greece) Archaeological Research Project
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Kymissala stanowisko (Rodos, Grecja), archeologiczne badania -- Rodos, Grecja, archeologiczne projekty i programy badawczeAbstrakt
This article is a report of the archaeological investigations at Kymissala, southwestern Rhodes. Intensive archaeological research in the area started in 2006, as a combined project of the Department of Mediterranean Studies of the University of the Aegean and the Ephorate of Antiquities of the Dodecanese. The main purpose of the project is to determine and document the geographical extend and time span of the ancient demos of Kymissaleis. The history of the archaeological research at Kymissala is presented, as well as a preliminary report on fieldwork undertaken during the years 2009–13. Special emphasis is placed on the excavationof the necropolis, while investigations on the acropolis and in the settlement at the site of Vassilika are also discussed
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