Acrai/Acrae – The Greek Colony and Roman Town. Preliminary Report on the Excavations of the University of Warsaw Archaeological Expedition in 2015
Słowa kluczowe:
starożytność -- Sycylia, Włochy, Palazzolo Acreide, Sycylia (Włochy), archeologiczne badania -- Sycylia, Włochy, Akrai (starożytne miasto), centra starożytne, kolonie greckie, miasta rzymskie, kultura materialna starożytnościAbstrakt
The present report covers the 2015 campaign of excavations carried out in the central area of the plateaux to the west of the agora in the residential part of the town of Akrai/Acrae, south-eastern Sicily, which was continuation of the previous 2011–14 campaigns. The excavations have yielded until now a rich material dating to two main occupational phases in the Late Hellenistic – Early Roman and the Late Roman–Byzantine periods
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Agnello, G. 1952. L’architettura bizantina in Sicilia, Firenze
Amari, S. 2014. “Observations on the Late Roman Coarse Wares Production from the Factory of Acium in Sicily”, in: N. Poulou-Papadimitriou, E. Nodarou, and V. Kilikoglou (eds.), LRCW 4, Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean. Archaeology and Archaeometry. The Mediterranean: a Market without Frontiers, vol. I, BAR International Series 2616 (I), Oxford, 225-234
Arveiller-Dulong, V. and M.-D. Nenna. 2000. Les verres antiques du musée du Louvre, I: Contenants à parfum en verre moulés sur noyau et vaisselle moulée (VIIe siècle avant J.-C.- Ier siècle apres J.-C.), Paris
Arveiller-Dulong, V. and M.-D. Nenna. 2006. Les verres antiques du musée du Louvre, II: Vaisselle et contenants du Ier siècle au début du VIIe siècle apres J.-C., Paris
Bernabò Brea, L. 1986. Il tempio di Afrodite di Akrai, Recherches sur les cultes grecs et l’occident 3, Cahiers du Centre Jean Bérard 10, Naples
Bonifay, M. 2004. Etudes sur la céramique romaine tardive d’Afrique, BAR International Series 1301, Oxford
Burnett A., M. Amandry, P. P. Ripollès, and I. Carradice. 1992. Roman Provincial Coinage, vol. I. The Julio-Claudians, London
Buttrey, T. 1972. “Halved Coins. The Augustan Reform, and Horace, Odes I.3”, AJA 76, no. 1, 31-48
Calciati, R. 1983. Corpus Nummorum Siculorum I-III. La monetazione di bronzo, Milano
Carroccio, B. 2004. Dal basileus Agatocle a Roma. Le monetazioni siciliane d’età ellenistica (cronologia - iconografia - metrologia), Pelorias 10, Messina
Chowaniec, R. 2006. “Avcissa brooches found in Poland”, in: C. Gazdač (ed.), Fontes Historiae. Studia in honorem Demetrii Protase, Cluj-Napoca, 171-182
Chowaniec, R. 2015a. “General remarks on the new archaeological studies in Akrai (2009-2014)”, in: Chowaniec, R. ed. 2015c, 31-41
Chowaniec, R. 2015b. “Comments on the history and topography of Akrai/Acrae in the light of new research”, in: Chowaniec, R. ed. 2015c, 43-78
Chowaniec, R. ed. 2015c. Unveiling the past of an ancient town. Akrai/Acrae in south-eastern Sicily, Warsaw
Chowaniec, R. 2016. “Greek and Roman impact on the environment. Case study: Akrai/Acrae in south-eastern Sicily”, in: P. Kołodziejczyk and B. Kwiatkowska-Kopka (eds.), Landscapeas impulsion for culture: research, perception & protection, Cracow Landscape Monographs 2, Kraków, 175-185
Chowaniec, R. and A. Gręzak. 2016. „Dietary preferences of the inhabitants of ancient Akrai/Acrae (south-eastern Sicily) during Roman times and the Byzantine period”, in: M. Ghilardi (ed.), Géoarchéologie des îles de Méditerranée. Geoarchaeology of the Mediterranean Islands. Actes du colloque de Cargèse, 30 juin -2 juillet 2015, Paris, 287-298
Chowaniec, R. and L. Guzzardi. 2013. “Palazzolo Acreide, Sicily, Italy. Excavations in 2012”, Światowit 10 (41)/A, 2012, 111-115
Chowaniec, R. and K. Misiewicz. 2010. “Non-invasive researches in Palazzolo Acreide (ancient Akrai), Sicily”, Archeologia 59, 2008, 173-186
Chowaniec, R. and K. Misiewicz. 2016. “New geophysical observationson the house complex in ancient town of Akrai/ Acrae, south-eastern Sicily”, Rivista di Topografi a Antica 25, 2015, 137-150
Cipriano, M. T. and S. de Fabrizio. 1996. “Benevento. Il quartiere ceramico di Cellarulo: prime osservazioni sulla tipologia ceramic”, in: M. Bats (ed.), Les céramiques communes deCampanie et de Narbonnaise (I s. av. J.C. – II s. ap. J.C.). La vaisselle de cuisine et de table, Naples, 201–224
Crawford, M. H. 2011. Roman Republican Coinage, vol. I, London
Cugno, S. A. 2012. “Necropoli paleocristiane e chiese rupestri dell’altopiano acrense. La «Canicattini Cristiana» di Salvatore Carpinteri,” Mediaeval Sophia. Studi e ricerche sui saperi medievali 12, 52–87
Dabas, M., A. Tabbagh, and J. Tabbagh. 1994. “3-D inversion in subsurface electrical surveying. Theory,” International Journal of Geophysics 119, 975–990
Distefano, S. 2002. “Il Palmento di Acremonte. Contributo alla storia dei vini dell’ «ager Acrensis» tra Tardo Antico e Medioevo,” Sicilia Archeologica 100, 89–112
Distefano, S. 2012. “Canicattini Bagni (Sr): gli «inculta pagula» di «Guglielmo di Agufi si». Materiali inediti per una storia del territorio Ibleo nell’Altomedioevo,” in: F. Redi and A. Forgione (eds.), Atti del VI Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia Medievale, l’Aquila, 12 – 15 settembre 2012, Firenze, 431–436
Domżalski, K. 2015. “Roman and Late Antique fi ne pottery from Akrai (2011– 2014). First discoveries and research problems,” in: Chowaniec, R. ed. 2015c, 277–293
Ettlinger, E., B. Heclinger, B. Hoffman, Ph. M. Kenrick, G. Pucci, K. Roth-Rubi, G. Schneider, S. von Schnurbein, C. M. Wells, and S. Zabehlicky-Schaffenegger. 1990. Conspectus formarum terrae sigillatae italico modo confectae, Materialien zur römisch-germanischen Keramik 10, Bonn
Fabbri, V. 2004. “I motivi decorativi delle spalle nelle lucerne Atlante I forma X rinvenute nello scavo del porto tardoantico di Classe,” in: M. Khanoussi, P. Ruggeri, and C. Vismara (eds.), L’Africa Romana. Ai confi ni dell’Impero: contatti, scambi, conflitti. Atti del XV convegno di studio Tozeur, 11 – 15 dicembre 2002, vol. II, Roma, 1115–1122
Falzone, S. 2010. “Luxuria privata. Edilizia abitativa e arredo decorativo a Ostia e a Roma in età tardo-repubblicana,” Bollettino di Archeologia On Line 1, 59–73
Fituła, M. 2015. “Flints from Akrai,” in: Chowaniec, R. ed. 2015c, 129 –150
Franco, C. and C. Capelli. 2014a. “Sicilian flat-bottomed amphorae (1st – 5th century AD). New data on typo-chronology and distribution and from an integrated petrographic and archaeological study,” in: D. Malfitana and G. Cacciaguerra (eds.), Archeologia Classica in Sicilia e nel Mediterraneo. Didattica e ricerca nell’esperienza mista CNR e Università. Il contributo delle giovani generazioni. Un triennio di ricerche e di tesi universitarie, Catania, 341–362
Franco, C. and C. Capelli. 2014b. “New archaeological and archaeometric data on Sicilian wine amphorae in the Roman period (1st to 6th century AD). Typology, origin and distribution in selected western Mediterranean contexts,” Rei Cretariæ Romanæ Favtorum Acta 43, 547–556
Franetti, M. 2001. Glosario tecnico-storico del mosaico. Technical-historical glossary of mosaic art, Ravenna
Führer, J. and V. Schultze. 1907. Die altchristlichen Grabstätten Siziliens, Berlin
Gasparetti, G. 1996. “Produzione e consumo della ceramica commune da mensa e dispensa nella Campania romana,” in: M. Bats (ed.), Les céramiques communes de Campanie et deNarbonnaise (I s. av. J.C. – II s. ap. J.C.). La vaisselle de cuisine et de table, Naples, 19–64
Giunta, S. 2008. “Lo scarico della fornace ellenistica di S. Giacomo a Gela: dati preliminari e prospettive di ricerca,” Rivista di Studi Liguri 74, 147–175
Gowers, E. 2010. “Augustus and ‘Syracuse’,” JRS 100, 69–87
Gręzak, G. 2015. “Comments on animal husbandry and meat diet on the basis of analysis of animal bone remains,” in: Chowaniec, R. ed. 2015c, 331–358
Guzzardi, L. 2015. “The prehistory of Akrai and its surrounding area,” in: Chowaniec, R. ed. 2015c, 15 –30
Hayes, J. W. 1972. Late Roman Pottery, London
Hayes, J. W. 1985. “Sigillate orientali,” in: G. Pugliese Carratelli (ed.), Atlante delle forme ceramiche II. Ceramica fine romana nel bacino mediterraneo (tardo ellenismo e primo impero), Enciclopedia dell’arte antica, classica e orientale, Roma, 9–48
Hayes, J. W. 1991. The Hellenistic and Roman Pottery, Paphos 3, Nicosia
Hayes, J. W. 2006–2007. “Villa Selvasecca. The Pottery Finds,” Opuscula Romana 31–32, 59–83
Henig, M. 1974. A Corpus of Roman engraved gemstones from British sites. Part II: Catalogue and plates, BAR 8 (ii), Oxford
Isings, C. 1957. Roman glass from dated finds, Archaeologica Traiectina 2, Groningen
Judica, G. 1819. Le antichità di Acre, scoperte, descritte, ed illustrate da Gabriele Judica, Messina
Kenrick, P. M. 1985. Excavations at Sidi Khrebish, Benghazi (Berenice). Volume III, part 1. The Fine Pottery, Supplements to Libya Antiqua 5, Tripoli
Kenrick, P. M. 1996. “The importation of Italian Sigillata to Algeria,” Antiquités Africaines 32, 37– 44
Lamboglia, N. 1952. “Per una classificazione preliminare della ceramica campana,” in: Atti del I. Congresso di Studi Liguri, Monaco, Bordighera, Genova, 10 –17 aprile 1950, Bordighera, 139–206
Lanteri, R. 2015. “Collaboration between the Archaeological Unit of Soprintendenza dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali of Syracuse and the University of Warsaw,” in: Chowaniec, R. ed. 2015c, 13–14
Leggio, D. 2003. Riti e misteri ad Akrai. Interpretazione del complesso sacro. Akrai – Area a Nord dell’Aphrodision. Scavi 2005–2006, Siracusa
Loke, M. H. and R. D. Barker. 1996. “Practical techniques for 3D resistivity surveys and data inversion,” Geophysical Prospecting 44, 499–523
Malfitana, D., R. Lanteri, G. Cacciaguerra, A. Cannata, C. Pantellaro, and C. Rizza. 2014. “Cultura materiale e produzioni artigianali a Siracusa in età ellenistica e romana. Indaginimultidisciplinari sul quartiere artigianale della città antica. Un capitolo del «Roman Sicily Project: ceramics and trade»,” Rei Cretariæ Romanæ Favtorum Acta 43, 557–572
Martini, R. 1991. Monetazione provinciale romana I. Sicilia. Le emissioni tardo-repubblicane di Atratinus e le serie con ritratti di Octavianus Augustus e di Tiberius (36 a.C.–37 d.C.), Glaux. Collana di Studi e Ricerche di Numismatica 5, Milano
Maaskant-Kleibrink, M. 1986. The Engraved Gems Roman and Non-Roman. Description of the Collections in the Rijksmueum G. M. Kam at Nijmegen X, Nijmegen
McKenzie-Clark, J. 2012. Vesuvian Sigillata at Pompeii, Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 20, London
Messina, A. and G. Di Stefano. 1997. “I villaggi bizantini degli Iblei (Sicilia)”, in: S. Gelichi (ed.), I Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia Medievale (Pisa, 29 . 31 maggio 1997), Firenze,116-119
Misiewicz, K. 2015. “Comparison of the results of magnetic and gradient surveys with the real situation in the field on the basis of excavations in Trench I at Akrai/Acrae. New possibilities for the interpretation of geophysical maps”, in: Chowaniec, R. ed. 2015c, 89-100
Młynarczyk, J. 2015. “Plain Table Ware from Akrai. Preliminary Approach”, in: Chowaniec, R. ed. 2015c, 295-299
Musumeci, M. 2008. ”Gabriele Judica, le sue ricerche e la collezione Judica”, in: A. Crispino and A. Musumeci (eds.), Musei nascosti. Collezioni e raccolte archeologiche a Siracusa dal XVIII al XX secolo, Napoli 2008, 35-41
Orsi, P. 1931. “Epigrafe cristiana di Palazzolo Acreide (Acrae). Contributi alla storia dell’altopiano acrense nell’antichita”, Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana 8, 295-296
Peacock, D. P. S. and D. F. Williams. 1986. Amphorae and the Roman economy: an introductory guide, New York - London
Pugliese Carratelli, G. 1953. “Palazzolo Acreide. Epigrafi cristiane nella collezione Iudica”, Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei CCCL, Notizie degli Scavi di Antichita 78, Rome, 345-352
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Amari, S. 2014. “Observations on the Late Roman Coarse Wares Production from the Factory of Acium in Sicily”, in: N. Poulou-Papadimitriou, E. Nodarou, and V. Kilikoglou (eds.), LRCW 4, Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean. Archaeology and Archaeometry. The Mediterranean: a Market without Frontiers, vol. I, BAR International Series 2616 (I), Oxford, 225-234
Arveiller-Dulong, V. and M.-D. Nenna. 2000. Les verres antiques du musée du Louvre, I: Contenants à parfum en verre moulés sur noyau et vaisselle moulée (VIIe siècle avant J.-C.- Ier siècle apres J.-C.), Paris
Arveiller-Dulong, V. and M.-D. Nenna. 2006. Les verres antiques du musée du Louvre, II: Vaisselle et contenants du Ier siècle au début du VIIe siècle apres J.-C., Paris
Bernabò Brea, L. 1986. Il tempio di Afrodite di Akrai, Recherches sur les cultes grecs et l’occident 3, Cahiers du Centre Jean Bérard 10, Naples
Bonifay, M. 2004. Etudes sur la céramique romaine tardive d’Afrique, BAR International Series 1301, Oxford
Burnett A., M. Amandry, P. P. Ripollès, and I. Carradice. 1992. Roman Provincial Coinage, vol. I. The Julio-Claudians, London
Buttrey, T. 1972. “Halved Coins. The Augustan Reform, and Horace, Odes I.3”, AJA 76, no. 1, 31-48
Calciati, R. 1983. Corpus Nummorum Siculorum I-III. La monetazione di bronzo, Milano
Carroccio, B. 2004. Dal basileus Agatocle a Roma. Le monetazioni siciliane d’età ellenistica (cronologia - iconografia - metrologia), Pelorias 10, Messina
Chowaniec, R. 2006. “Avcissa brooches found in Poland”, in: C. Gazdač (ed.), Fontes Historiae. Studia in honorem Demetrii Protase, Cluj-Napoca, 171-182
Chowaniec, R. 2015a. “General remarks on the new archaeological studies in Akrai (2009-2014)”, in: Chowaniec, R. ed. 2015c, 31-41
Chowaniec, R. 2015b. “Comments on the history and topography of Akrai/Acrae in the light of new research”, in: Chowaniec, R. ed. 2015c, 43-78
Chowaniec, R. ed. 2015c. Unveiling the past of an ancient town. Akrai/Acrae in south-eastern Sicily, Warsaw
Chowaniec, R. 2016. “Greek and Roman impact on the environment. Case study: Akrai/Acrae in south-eastern Sicily”, in: P. Kołodziejczyk and B. Kwiatkowska-Kopka (eds.), Landscapeas impulsion for culture: research, perception & protection, Cracow Landscape Monographs 2, Kraków, 175-185
Chowaniec, R. and A. Gręzak. 2016. „Dietary preferences of the inhabitants of ancient Akrai/Acrae (south-eastern Sicily) during Roman times and the Byzantine period”, in: M. Ghilardi (ed.), Géoarchéologie des îles de Méditerranée. Geoarchaeology of the Mediterranean Islands. Actes du colloque de Cargèse, 30 juin -2 juillet 2015, Paris, 287-298
Chowaniec, R. and L. Guzzardi. 2013. “Palazzolo Acreide, Sicily, Italy. Excavations in 2012”, Światowit 10 (41)/A, 2012, 111-115
Chowaniec, R. and K. Misiewicz. 2010. “Non-invasive researches in Palazzolo Acreide (ancient Akrai), Sicily”, Archeologia 59, 2008, 173-186
Chowaniec, R. and K. Misiewicz. 2016. “New geophysical observationson the house complex in ancient town of Akrai/ Acrae, south-eastern Sicily”, Rivista di Topografi a Antica 25, 2015, 137-150
Cipriano, M. T. and S. de Fabrizio. 1996. “Benevento. Il quartiere ceramico di Cellarulo: prime osservazioni sulla tipologia ceramic”, in: M. Bats (ed.), Les céramiques communes deCampanie et de Narbonnaise (I s. av. J.C. – II s. ap. J.C.). La vaisselle de cuisine et de table, Naples, 201–224
Crawford, M. H. 2011. Roman Republican Coinage, vol. I, London
Cugno, S. A. 2012. “Necropoli paleocristiane e chiese rupestri dell’altopiano acrense. La «Canicattini Cristiana» di Salvatore Carpinteri,” Mediaeval Sophia. Studi e ricerche sui saperi medievali 12, 52–87
Dabas, M., A. Tabbagh, and J. Tabbagh. 1994. “3-D inversion in subsurface electrical surveying. Theory,” International Journal of Geophysics 119, 975–990
Distefano, S. 2002. “Il Palmento di Acremonte. Contributo alla storia dei vini dell’ «ager Acrensis» tra Tardo Antico e Medioevo,” Sicilia Archeologica 100, 89–112
Distefano, S. 2012. “Canicattini Bagni (Sr): gli «inculta pagula» di «Guglielmo di Agufi si». Materiali inediti per una storia del territorio Ibleo nell’Altomedioevo,” in: F. Redi and A. Forgione (eds.), Atti del VI Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia Medievale, l’Aquila, 12 – 15 settembre 2012, Firenze, 431–436
Domżalski, K. 2015. “Roman and Late Antique fi ne pottery from Akrai (2011– 2014). First discoveries and research problems,” in: Chowaniec, R. ed. 2015c, 277–293
Ettlinger, E., B. Heclinger, B. Hoffman, Ph. M. Kenrick, G. Pucci, K. Roth-Rubi, G. Schneider, S. von Schnurbein, C. M. Wells, and S. Zabehlicky-Schaffenegger. 1990. Conspectus formarum terrae sigillatae italico modo confectae, Materialien zur römisch-germanischen Keramik 10, Bonn
Fabbri, V. 2004. “I motivi decorativi delle spalle nelle lucerne Atlante I forma X rinvenute nello scavo del porto tardoantico di Classe,” in: M. Khanoussi, P. Ruggeri, and C. Vismara (eds.), L’Africa Romana. Ai confi ni dell’Impero: contatti, scambi, conflitti. Atti del XV convegno di studio Tozeur, 11 – 15 dicembre 2002, vol. II, Roma, 1115–1122
Falzone, S. 2010. “Luxuria privata. Edilizia abitativa e arredo decorativo a Ostia e a Roma in età tardo-repubblicana,” Bollettino di Archeologia On Line 1, 59–73
Fituła, M. 2015. “Flints from Akrai,” in: Chowaniec, R. ed. 2015c, 129 –150
Franco, C. and C. Capelli. 2014a. “Sicilian flat-bottomed amphorae (1st – 5th century AD). New data on typo-chronology and distribution and from an integrated petrographic and archaeological study,” in: D. Malfitana and G. Cacciaguerra (eds.), Archeologia Classica in Sicilia e nel Mediterraneo. Didattica e ricerca nell’esperienza mista CNR e Università. Il contributo delle giovani generazioni. Un triennio di ricerche e di tesi universitarie, Catania, 341–362
Franco, C. and C. Capelli. 2014b. “New archaeological and archaeometric data on Sicilian wine amphorae in the Roman period (1st to 6th century AD). Typology, origin and distribution in selected western Mediterranean contexts,” Rei Cretariæ Romanæ Favtorum Acta 43, 547–556
Franetti, M. 2001. Glosario tecnico-storico del mosaico. Technical-historical glossary of mosaic art, Ravenna
Führer, J. and V. Schultze. 1907. Die altchristlichen Grabstätten Siziliens, Berlin
Gasparetti, G. 1996. “Produzione e consumo della ceramica commune da mensa e dispensa nella Campania romana,” in: M. Bats (ed.), Les céramiques communes de Campanie et deNarbonnaise (I s. av. J.C. – II s. ap. J.C.). La vaisselle de cuisine et de table, Naples, 19–64
Giunta, S. 2008. “Lo scarico della fornace ellenistica di S. Giacomo a Gela: dati preliminari e prospettive di ricerca,” Rivista di Studi Liguri 74, 147–175
Gowers, E. 2010. “Augustus and ‘Syracuse’,” JRS 100, 69–87
Gręzak, G. 2015. “Comments on animal husbandry and meat diet on the basis of analysis of animal bone remains,” in: Chowaniec, R. ed. 2015c, 331–358
Guzzardi, L. 2015. “The prehistory of Akrai and its surrounding area,” in: Chowaniec, R. ed. 2015c, 15 –30
Hayes, J. W. 1972. Late Roman Pottery, London
Hayes, J. W. 1985. “Sigillate orientali,” in: G. Pugliese Carratelli (ed.), Atlante delle forme ceramiche II. Ceramica fine romana nel bacino mediterraneo (tardo ellenismo e primo impero), Enciclopedia dell’arte antica, classica e orientale, Roma, 9–48
Hayes, J. W. 1991. The Hellenistic and Roman Pottery, Paphos 3, Nicosia
Hayes, J. W. 2006–2007. “Villa Selvasecca. The Pottery Finds,” Opuscula Romana 31–32, 59–83
Henig, M. 1974. A Corpus of Roman engraved gemstones from British sites. Part II: Catalogue and plates, BAR 8 (ii), Oxford
Isings, C. 1957. Roman glass from dated finds, Archaeologica Traiectina 2, Groningen
Judica, G. 1819. Le antichità di Acre, scoperte, descritte, ed illustrate da Gabriele Judica, Messina
Kenrick, P. M. 1985. Excavations at Sidi Khrebish, Benghazi (Berenice). Volume III, part 1. The Fine Pottery, Supplements to Libya Antiqua 5, Tripoli
Kenrick, P. M. 1996. “The importation of Italian Sigillata to Algeria,” Antiquités Africaines 32, 37– 44
Lamboglia, N. 1952. “Per una classificazione preliminare della ceramica campana,” in: Atti del I. Congresso di Studi Liguri, Monaco, Bordighera, Genova, 10 –17 aprile 1950, Bordighera, 139–206
Lanteri, R. 2015. “Collaboration between the Archaeological Unit of Soprintendenza dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali of Syracuse and the University of Warsaw,” in: Chowaniec, R. ed. 2015c, 13–14
Leggio, D. 2003. Riti e misteri ad Akrai. Interpretazione del complesso sacro. Akrai – Area a Nord dell’Aphrodision. Scavi 2005–2006, Siracusa
Loke, M. H. and R. D. Barker. 1996. “Practical techniques for 3D resistivity surveys and data inversion,” Geophysical Prospecting 44, 499–523
Malfitana, D., R. Lanteri, G. Cacciaguerra, A. Cannata, C. Pantellaro, and C. Rizza. 2014. “Cultura materiale e produzioni artigianali a Siracusa in età ellenistica e romana. Indaginimultidisciplinari sul quartiere artigianale della città antica. Un capitolo del «Roman Sicily Project: ceramics and trade»,” Rei Cretariæ Romanæ Favtorum Acta 43, 557–572
Martini, R. 1991. Monetazione provinciale romana I. Sicilia. Le emissioni tardo-repubblicane di Atratinus e le serie con ritratti di Octavianus Augustus e di Tiberius (36 a.C.–37 d.C.), Glaux. Collana di Studi e Ricerche di Numismatica 5, Milano
Maaskant-Kleibrink, M. 1986. The Engraved Gems Roman and Non-Roman. Description of the Collections in the Rijksmueum G. M. Kam at Nijmegen X, Nijmegen
McKenzie-Clark, J. 2012. Vesuvian Sigillata at Pompeii, Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 20, London
Messina, A. and G. Di Stefano. 1997. “I villaggi bizantini degli Iblei (Sicilia)”, in: S. Gelichi (ed.), I Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia Medievale (Pisa, 29 . 31 maggio 1997), Firenze,116-119
Misiewicz, K. 2015. “Comparison of the results of magnetic and gradient surveys with the real situation in the field on the basis of excavations in Trench I at Akrai/Acrae. New possibilities for the interpretation of geophysical maps”, in: Chowaniec, R. ed. 2015c, 89-100
Młynarczyk, J. 2015. “Plain Table Ware from Akrai. Preliminary Approach”, in: Chowaniec, R. ed. 2015c, 295-299
Musumeci, M. 2008. ”Gabriele Judica, le sue ricerche e la collezione Judica”, in: A. Crispino and A. Musumeci (eds.), Musei nascosti. Collezioni e raccolte archeologiche a Siracusa dal XVIII al XX secolo, Napoli 2008, 35-41
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Peacock, D. P. S. and D. F. Williams. 1986. Amphorae and the Roman economy: an introductory guide, New York - London
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Jak cytować
Chowaniec, R. (2015). Acrai/Acrae – The Greek Colony and Roman Town. Preliminary Report on the Excavations of the University of Warsaw Archaeological Expedition in 2015. Archeologia, 66, 105–130. Pobrano z

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