Izabella Main. 2018. Lepsze światy medyczne? Zdrowie, choroba i leczenie polskich migrantek w perspektywie antropologicznej

[Better medical worlds? Health, sickness, and healthcare of Polish female migrants in anthropological perspective]



Izabella Main, medical anthropology, healthcare, Polish female migrants, review


The book review


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Author Biography

Prof. Elżbieta Goździak, Centre for Migration Studies (CeBaM) at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

PhD in anthropology; visiting professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University; research professor at the Institute for the Study of International Migration (ISIM) at Georgetown University in Washington, DC (2002-2018).


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reviewed book: Izabella Main. Lepsze światy medyczne.2018.




How to Cite

Goździak, E. M. (2019). Izabella Main. 2018. Lepsze światy medyczne? Zdrowie, choroba i leczenie polskich migrantek w perspektywie antropologicznej : [Better medical worlds? Health, sickness, and healthcare of Polish female migrants in anthropological perspective]. Ethnologia Polona, 40, 291–293. Retrieved from https://journals.iaepan.pl/ethp/article/view/35