Poles and Russians. Dialogue and attempts at changing the stereotype
Poland, Russia, dialogue, ethnic stereotypesAbstract
A crusade against ethnic stereotypes is one of the manifestations of the principle of political correctness now obligatory in Europe. They are considered to be the source of xenophobia and racism, and a hindrance to the construction of common Europe and the development of European post-national awareness. According to the author, lack of familiarity with ethnic stereotypes would seriously impede understanding many phenomena, for instance the nature of the relationships between various ethnic/national groups; this includes tensions in Polish/Russian relations. The article presents most crucial elements of the stereotypical image of Russians in the eyes of Poles and vice-versa. It also discusses initiatives to further the Polish/Russian dialogue (especially those undertaken by the Centre for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding). Among others, those initiatives are meant to alter negative stereotypes which still divide Poles and Russians and hinder dialogue between the two nations. Dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church active in Poland and the Russian Orthodox Church is also supposed to contribute to changes in those stereotypes. The author considers the effects of actions undertaken by institutions whose aim is to further the Polish/Russian dialogue, their influence on the relations between Poland and Russia, and the possibility of changing negative stereotypes. She also describes various attitudes which anthropologists may assume with reference to the inter-ethnic dialogue.
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