Picturing ethnic landscape in Central and Eastern Europe
images of the Other, alterity, visualisation, Eastern and Central EuropeAbstract
This is a summary of a larger project on ‘Visual Encounters with Otherness/Alterity in Eastern Europe’. It involves a large group of researchers from several countries, whose aim is to collect visual materials from various countries in the region, showing who and how used to be marked as stranger or foreigner. Here I present the main points and conclusions resulting from the implementation of the current phase
of the project, limited to the nineteenth and mid-twentieth centuries.
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Altman K. 2010, Ethnic Stereotypes in the Nineteenth Century Czech Caricature, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Bachmann-Medick D. 2012, Cultural turns, Nowe kierunki w naukach o kulturze, Warszawa
Buchowski K. 2010, Poles and Lithuanians: Respective Images in Caricatures From the First Half of the Twentieth Century, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Buzinkay G. 2010, Rival Stereotypes: Austrian and Hungarian Cartoons of Each Other, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Davies N. 2007, Europa między wschodem a zachodem, Kraków
Demski D. 2010, Old Stereotypes versus a Changing Reality: Images of the Other in Polish Caricatures, 1862–1939, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Djordjević A. 2013, Social Differentiation and Construction of Elites in Belgrade Studio Photography at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, [in:] eds. D. Demski, I.Sz. Kristóf, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Competing Eyes: Visual Encounters with Alterity in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest
Dranik Réka, 2010, Stereotypical Representations of the Orthodox and Assimilated Jew in the Hungarian Satirical papers of the Dual Monarchy, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Fabian J. 1990, Presence and Representation: The Other and Anthropological Writing, Critical Inquiry, vol. 16, no 4, pp. 753–772
Gailite Gundega 2010, Germans, Russians, and Jews in the Works of Latvian Caricaturists: The Beginning of the Twentieth Century – An Insight, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Golubev A. V. 2010, The Image of the Eastern Europe in the Soviet Caricature of the 1920s and 1930s (in the Published Material of Krokodil), [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Huebner K. 2013, Otherness in First Republic Czechoslovak Representations, [in:] eds. D. Demski, I.Sz. Kristóf, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Competing Eyes: Visual Encounters with Alterity in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest
Jezernik B. 2010, The Politics of Peslajnar, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Karlíček P. 2013, Us and Them: Cartoons of the Sudeten German Satirical Magazine der Igel at the End of the First Czechoslovakian Republic (1935–1939), [in:] eds. D. Demski, I.Sz. Kristóf, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Competing Eyes: Visual Encounters with Alterity in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest
Kicsindi E. 2013, Reinterpreting the Distant Other in Nineteenth-Century Hungarian Political Cartoons, [in:] eds. D. Demski, I. Sz. Kristóf, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Competing Eyes: Visual Encounters with Alterity in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest
Krekovičová E., Panczová Z. 2013, Visual Representattions of Self and Others: Images of the Traitor and the Enemy in Slovak Political Cartoons, 1861–1910, [in:] eds. D. Demski, I.Sz. Kristóf, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Competing Eyes: Visual Encounters with Alterity in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest
Kristóf I. Sz. 2013, Domesticating Nature, Appropriating Hierarchy: The Representation of European and Non-European Peoples in an Early-Nineteenth-Century Schoolbook of Natural History, [in:] eds. D. Demski, I.Sz. Kristóf, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Competing Eyes: Visual Encounters with Alterity in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest
Laineste L. 2010, The Frighteningly Funny Foreigner: Caricatures of the Other in Estonian Interwar Public Discourse, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
de Lazari A., Riabov O. 2010, The ‘Russian Bear’ in Polish Caricature of the Interwar Period (1919–1939), [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Mitchell W. J. T. 1984, What Is an Image? New Literary History, vol. 15, no 3, pp. 503–537
Padurean F. A. 2010, Indicting the Enemy: Ethnic Stereotypes in Romanian Cartoons in the Nineteenth Century, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Petrov P. 2010, Caricature as a Source in the Study of Mental Images: a Bulgarian Example, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Pratt M. L. 2011, Imperialne spojrzenie. Pisarstwo podróżnicze a transkulturacja, Kraków
Rosner A. M. 2013, The Image of the Jewish Street Seller in Nineteenth Century London, [in:] eds. D. Demski, I.Sz. Kristóf, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Competing Eyes: Visual Encounters with Alterity in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest
Sontag S. 2001, On Photography, Nowy Jork
Sontag S. 2010, Widok cudzego cierpienia, Kraków
Szabó M. 2013, Invasion of ‘Judeo-Magyars’? The Hungarian Millenium of 1896 in the Anti-Semitic Caricature, [in:] eds. D. Demski, I.Sz. Kristóf, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Competing Eyes: Visual Encounters with Alterity in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest
Tamás Á. 2010, Serbs, Croatians and Romanians from Hungarian and Austrian Perspectives: Analysis of Caricatures from Hungarian and Austrian Comic Papers, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Żakowska M. 2010, Bear in the European Salons: Russia in German Caricatures, 1848–1914, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Żakowska M. 2013, The Bear and His Protégés: Life in the Balkan Kettle According to the German-language Caricatures of the Belle Epoque, [in:] eds. D. Demski, I.Sz. Kristóf, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Competing Eyes: Visual Encounters with Alterity in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest
Bachmann-Medick D. 2012, Cultural turns, Nowe kierunki w naukach o kulturze, Warszawa
Buchowski K. 2010, Poles and Lithuanians: Respective Images in Caricatures From the First Half of the Twentieth Century, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Buzinkay G. 2010, Rival Stereotypes: Austrian and Hungarian Cartoons of Each Other, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Davies N. 2007, Europa między wschodem a zachodem, Kraków
Demski D. 2010, Old Stereotypes versus a Changing Reality: Images of the Other in Polish Caricatures, 1862–1939, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Djordjević A. 2013, Social Differentiation and Construction of Elites in Belgrade Studio Photography at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, [in:] eds. D. Demski, I.Sz. Kristóf, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Competing Eyes: Visual Encounters with Alterity in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest
Dranik Réka, 2010, Stereotypical Representations of the Orthodox and Assimilated Jew in the Hungarian Satirical papers of the Dual Monarchy, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Fabian J. 1990, Presence and Representation: The Other and Anthropological Writing, Critical Inquiry, vol. 16, no 4, pp. 753–772
Gailite Gundega 2010, Germans, Russians, and Jews in the Works of Latvian Caricaturists: The Beginning of the Twentieth Century – An Insight, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Golubev A. V. 2010, The Image of the Eastern Europe in the Soviet Caricature of the 1920s and 1930s (in the Published Material of Krokodil), [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Huebner K. 2013, Otherness in First Republic Czechoslovak Representations, [in:] eds. D. Demski, I.Sz. Kristóf, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Competing Eyes: Visual Encounters with Alterity in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest
Jezernik B. 2010, The Politics of Peslajnar, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Karlíček P. 2013, Us and Them: Cartoons of the Sudeten German Satirical Magazine der Igel at the End of the First Czechoslovakian Republic (1935–1939), [in:] eds. D. Demski, I.Sz. Kristóf, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Competing Eyes: Visual Encounters with Alterity in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest
Kicsindi E. 2013, Reinterpreting the Distant Other in Nineteenth-Century Hungarian Political Cartoons, [in:] eds. D. Demski, I. Sz. Kristóf, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Competing Eyes: Visual Encounters with Alterity in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest
Krekovičová E., Panczová Z. 2013, Visual Representattions of Self and Others: Images of the Traitor and the Enemy in Slovak Political Cartoons, 1861–1910, [in:] eds. D. Demski, I.Sz. Kristóf, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Competing Eyes: Visual Encounters with Alterity in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest
Kristóf I. Sz. 2013, Domesticating Nature, Appropriating Hierarchy: The Representation of European and Non-European Peoples in an Early-Nineteenth-Century Schoolbook of Natural History, [in:] eds. D. Demski, I.Sz. Kristóf, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Competing Eyes: Visual Encounters with Alterity in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest
Laineste L. 2010, The Frighteningly Funny Foreigner: Caricatures of the Other in Estonian Interwar Public Discourse, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
de Lazari A., Riabov O. 2010, The ‘Russian Bear’ in Polish Caricature of the Interwar Period (1919–1939), [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Mitchell W. J. T. 1984, What Is an Image? New Literary History, vol. 15, no 3, pp. 503–537
Padurean F. A. 2010, Indicting the Enemy: Ethnic Stereotypes in Romanian Cartoons in the Nineteenth Century, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Petrov P. 2010, Caricature as a Source in the Study of Mental Images: a Bulgarian Example, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Pratt M. L. 2011, Imperialne spojrzenie. Pisarstwo podróżnicze a transkulturacja, Kraków
Rosner A. M. 2013, The Image of the Jewish Street Seller in Nineteenth Century London, [in:] eds. D. Demski, I.Sz. Kristóf, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Competing Eyes: Visual Encounters with Alterity in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest
Sontag S. 2001, On Photography, Nowy Jork
Sontag S. 2010, Widok cudzego cierpienia, Kraków
Szabó M. 2013, Invasion of ‘Judeo-Magyars’? The Hungarian Millenium of 1896 in the Anti-Semitic Caricature, [in:] eds. D. Demski, I.Sz. Kristóf, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Competing Eyes: Visual Encounters with Alterity in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest
Tamás Á. 2010, Serbs, Croatians and Romanians from Hungarian and Austrian Perspectives: Analysis of Caricatures from Hungarian and Austrian Comic Papers, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Żakowska M. 2010, Bear in the European Salons: Russia in German Caricatures, 1848–1914, [in:] eds. D. Demski, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Images of the Other in Ethnic Caricatures of Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw
Żakowska M. 2013, The Bear and His Protégés: Life in the Balkan Kettle According to the German-language Caricatures of the Belle Epoque, [in:] eds. D. Demski, I.Sz. Kristóf, K. Baraniecka-Olszewska, Competing Eyes: Visual Encounters with Alterity in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest
How to Cite
Demski, D. (2013). Picturing ethnic landscape in Central and Eastern Europe. Ethnologia Polona, 197–213. Retrieved from https://journals.iaepan.pl/ethp/article/view/605

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