African Research of Michał Kobusiewicz: Calendar and Bibliography
Michał Kobusiewicz, bibliography, Northeastern Africa, PrehistoryAbstract
The African Calendar and the Bibliography of Michał Kobusiewicz.
- 1972
Preliminary report on the Holocene geology and archaeology of the Northern Fayum Desert. In Playa Lake Symposium. Icaslas publications 4: 41–61 [with R. Said, C. Albritton, F. Wendorf and R. Schild].
Remarks on Holocene geology and archaeology of Northern Fayum Desert. Archeologia Polona 13: 7–22 [with R. Said, C. Albritton, F. Wendorf and R. Schild].
- 1976
New prehistoric materials from the region of Old Dongola (Sudan). Fontes Archaeologici Posnanienses 25 [1974]: 178–186 [with L. Krzyżaniak].
Pradzieje północno-wschodniej Afryki między 16 a 5 tysiącleciem p.n.e. Przegląd Archeologiczny 24: 5–101.
The Prehistory of the Egyptian Sahara. Science 193(4248): 105–114 [with F. Wendorf, R. Schild, R. Said, C. V. Haynes and A. Gautier].
- 1977
Late Pleistocene and recent climatic changes in Egyptian Sahara. Geographical Journal 143(2): 211–234 [with F. Wendorf, R. Schild, R. Said, C. V. Haynes, A. Gautier, N. el Hadidi, H. Więckowska and A. Close].
- 1978
A voice in the discussion connected with the paper by R. Schild and F. Wendorf, Wieloznaczność ekologicznego uwarunkowania, wielkich zmian kulturowych. Dwa przykłady: Niż Europejski u schyłku epoki lodowej i Sahara w początkach holocenu. Przegląd Antropologiczny 44(1): 211–212.
- 1979
Combined Prehistoric Expedition. Z Otchłani Wieków 45(1): 2–11.
Use of barley in the Egyptian Late Palaeolithic. Science 205(4413): 1341–1347 [with F. Wendorf, R. Schild, N. el Hadidi, A. E. Close, H. Więckowska, B. Issawi and H. Haas].
- 1980
Badania Combined Prehistoric Expedition w Egipcie i Sudanie. In M. Kobusiewicz and L. Krzyżaniak (eds), Epoka kamienia nad Nilem: przewodnik po wystawie, 10–14. Poznań.
Report on Site E-78-2. In F. Wendorf and R. Schild, assemblers, and A. E. Close (ed.), Loaves and Fishes: The prehistory of Wadi Kubbaniya, 55–75. Dallas [with K. M. Banks].
Report on Site E-78-9. In F. Wendorf and R. Schild, assemblers, and A. E. Close (ed.), Loaves and Fishes: The prehistory of Wadi Kubbaniya, 191–215. Dallas [with W. L. Singleton].
I-er symposium international: Genése et premières phases du développement de la production alimentai dans les cultures préhistoriques du nordest de l’Afrique 9–13 Septembre 1980: Dymaczewo pres de Poznań, Pologne. L’Antropologie 84(5): 468–470.
Problemy neolityzacji Afryki północno-wschodniej. Sprawozdania: 42(96) [1978] 4–5. Wydział Historii i Nauk Społecznych PTPN.
Der Übergang vom Spätpaläolithikum zum Neolithikum in Nordostafrika. Allgemeine und Vergleichende Archäologie – Beiträge 2: 337–350.
- 1981
Nowe poglądy na zagadnienia neolityzacji północno-wschodniej Afryki. Przegląd Archeologiczny 28: 177–185.
R. Schild and F. Wendorf, The Prehistory of an Egyptian Oasis. Wrocław, Warszawa, Kraków, Gdańsk, Łódź, Zakład Narodowy imienia Ossolińskich, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Polskiej Akademii Nauk [as contributor together with C. V. Haynes, J. Kossakowska-Such, R. Said, T. Wesołowska, O. Henderson and R. Morrison].
- 1982
Research at Bir Tarfawi: Archaeological and Geological Investigations in the Egyptian Sahara. Archaeologia Polona 20 [1981]: 177–198 [with F. Wendorf, R. Schild, R. Said and A. Gautier].
- 1984
The multicultural Early Holocene site E-79-4 at El Ghorab Playa, Western Desert of Egypt. In L. Krzyżaniak and M. Kobusiewicz (eds), Orgin and early development of food-producing cultures in North Eastern Africa, 171–184. Poznań.
Report on Site E-79-4. The archaeology of El Ghorab Playa. In A. E. Close, F. Wendorf and R. Schild (eds), Cattle-keepers of Eastern Sahara: the Neolithic of Bir Kiseiba, 135–164. New Delhi.
New radiocarbon dates on the cereals from Wadi Kubbaniya. Science 225(4662): 645–646 [with F. Wendorf, R. Schild, A. E. Close, D. J. Donahue, A. J. T. Jull, T. H. Zabel, H. Więckowska, M. Kobusiewicz, B. Issawi and N. el Hadidi].
- 1987
The Combined Prehistoric Expedition. The first twenty-five years. In A. E. Close (ed.), Prehistory of arid North Africa. Essays in honor of Fred Wendorf, 325–344. Dallas.
- 1989
Report on Site E-78-9: An early Kubbaniyan Site in the Mouth of Wadi Kubbaniya. In F. Wendorf and R. Schild, assemblers, and A. E. Close (ed.), The Prehistory of Wadi Kubbaniya. Vol. 3: Late Palaeolithic Archaeology, 643–653. Dallas.
Report on Site E-78-5: A Kubbaniyan Site near the Mouth of Wadi Kubbaniya. In F. Wendorf and R. Schild, assemblers, and A. E. Close (ed.), The Prehistory of Wadi Kubbaniya. Vol. 3: Late Palaeolithic Archaeology, 654–665. Dallas.
Report on Site E-78-5e: A Small Ballanan-Silsilian Site near the Mouth of Wadi Kubbaniya. In F. Wendorf and R. Schild, assemblers, and A. E. Close (ed.), The Prehistory of Wadi Kubbaniya. Vol. 3: Late Palaeolithic Archaeology, 669–674. Dallas.
Report on Site E-78-5f: An Apparent Single-Occupation Site near the Mouth of Wadi Kubbaniya. In F. Wendorf and R. Schild, assemblers, and A. E. Close (ed.), The Prehistory of Wadi Kubbaniya. Vol. 3: Late Palaeolithic Archaeology, 675–678. Dallas.
Kom el-Hisn: Excavations of Old Kingdom Settlement in Egyptian Delta. Journal of American Research Center in Egypt 25 (1988): 5–34 [with R. Wenke, P. Buck, H. Hamroush, K. Kroeper and R. W. Redding].
Review of F. Debono and B. Mortensen, A Neolithic settlement and Rother sites in vicinity of Wadi Hof, Helwan, Mainz 1990. Archeologia 42: 153.
- 1992 (1991)
Review of J. Rizkana and J. Seeher, The Predynastic cemeteries of Maadi and Wadi Digla. Mainz 1990. Archeologia 42: 153–154.
- 1994
Discovery of Middle Stone Age sites near El Ghaddar (Sudan). Nyame Akuma 41: 63–66.
Review of J. Einwanger, Merimde-Benisalam III. Die Funde der jüngeren Merimde-Kultur. Mainz 1992. Archaeologia 44 (1993): 131.
- 1996
Technology, goals and efficiency of quartz exploitation in Khartoum Neolithic: case of Kadero. In L. Krzyżaniak, K. Kroeper and M. Kobusiewicz (eds), Interregional contacts in the Later Prehistory of Northeastern Africa, 347–364. Poznań.
Jebbel Kobkabba: a Middle Palaeolithic site in Sudanese Nubia. In L. Krzyżaniak, K. Kroeper and M. Kobusiewicz (eds), Interregional contacts in the Later Prehistory of Northeastern Africa, 355–375. Poznań [with J. Kabaciński].
- 1997
Late Pleistocene settlement in the Mediterranean Littoral of Northeastern Africa after last Pleniglacial. In J. M. Fullola and N. Soler (eds), El món mediterrani després del Pleniglacial (18.000–12.000 BP), 93–97. Série Monogràfica 17.
- 1998
Trend in stone knapping technology in Late Prehistory of Sudanese Nubia. In Actes de la VIIIe Conférence Internationale des Études Nubiennes Lille 11–17 Septembre 1994. 3 Etudes, 121–125. Lille. Cahires de Recherches de l’Institut de Papyrologie et d’Egyptologie de Lille No 17.
- 1999
Excavations at Sinai-10, The Site Romythi Locality. In F. W. Eddy and F. Wendorf (eds), An Archaeological Investigation of the Central Sinai, Egypt, 173–180. Dallas.
Excavations at Sinai-20, The Split Rock Site, Zarnoq Locality. In F. W. Eddy and F. Wendorf (eds), An Archaeological Investigation of the Central Sinai, Egypt, 193–207. Dallas.
Excavations at Sinai-73, The Mazeyh Site, Zarnoq Locality. In F. W. Eddy and F. Wendorf (eds), An Archaeological Investigation of the Central Sinai, Egypt, 274–276. Dallas.
- 2000
From the Organizers and Editors. In L. Krzyżaniak, K. Kroeper and M. Kobusiewicz (eds), Reccent Research Into the Stone Age of Northeastern Africa. Poznań Archaeological Museum. Studies in African Archaeology 7 [with L. Krzyżaniak, K. Kroeper].
- 2001
Reassessing Chronostratigraphic Position of the Split Rock Site, Sinai. In B. Gehlen, M. Heinen and A. Tillmann (eds), Zeit Räume. Gedenkschrift für Wolfgang Taute, 227–236. Archäologische Berichte 14 [with R. Schild, A. Bluszcz and F. Wendorf ].
Review of P. Vermeersch (ed.), Palaeolithic Living Sites in Upper and Middle Egypt. Egyptian Prehistory Monographs 2. Leuven University Press. Bibliotheca Orientalis 58(5–6): 604.
Afryka, Archeologia. In Wielka Encyklopedia PWN Tom 1, 164–166. Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN SA [with J. Kabaciński].
- 2002
Gebel Ramlah Playa. In Jennerstrasse 8 (eds), Tides in the Desert-Gezeiten der Wüste, 117–123. Köln [with R. Schild, F. Wendorf, J. D. Irish, J. Kabaciński and H. Królik].
- 2003
Neolithic Tooth Replacement in Two Disturbed Burials from Southern Egypt. Journal of Archaeological Science 30: 281–285 [with J. D. Irish, R. Schild and F. Wendorf ].
Neolithic wells of the Western Desert of Egypt. In L. Krzyżaniak, K. Kroeper and M. Kobusiewicz (eds), Cultural Markers in the Later Prehistory of Northeastern Africa and Recent Research, 95–104. Poznań, Poznań Archaeological Museum. Studies in African Archaeology 8.
- 2004
An Artificial Human Tooth from the Neolithic Cemetery at Gebel Ramlah, Egypt. Dental Anthropology 17(1): 28–31 [with J. D. Irish, P. Bobrowski, J. Kabaciński and R. Schild].
Discovery of the first Neolithic cemetery in Egypt’s Western Desert. Antiquity 78(301): 566–578 [with J. Kabaciński, R. Schild, J. D. Irish and F. Wendorf ].
- 2005
Short communication: Two additional Egyptian Neolithic burials exhibiting unusual mortuary treatment of teeth. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 15: 136–139 [with J. D. Irish, M. Kobusiewicz, J. Kabaciński and R. Schild].
Prehistoric Herdsmen, Academia – The magazine of the Polish Academy of Sciences 3(7): 20–24 [with R. Schild].
Lech Krzyżaniak 1940–2004. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 15: 13–14.
Prof. Lech Krzyżaniak (1940–2004). In memoriam. Archaeologia Polona 43: 5–13.
Discovery of the Late Neolithic Cemetery in the Western Desert, Egypt. Gdańsk Archaeological Museum African Reports 3: 127–129 [with J. Kabaciński, R. Schild and F. Wendorf ].
New Important Area of Neolithic Occupation in the Southwestern Desert of Egypt. In B. E. Barich, T. Tillet and K. H. Stidter (eds), Hunters vs. Pastoralists in the Sahara Material Culture and Symbolic Aspects, 51–56. British Archaeological Reports International Series 1338 [with R. Schild, F. Wendorf, J. D. Irish, J. Kabaciński, H. Królik and G. A. Calderoni].
- 2006
Le paléolithique supérieur en Afrique du nord-est. In J. L. Sanchidrián, A. M. Márquez Alcántara and J. M. Fullola Pericot (eds), La Cuenca Meditteránea durante el Paleolítico Superíor 38.000–10.000 años, 16–31. Malaga.
Stone knapping tradition in Old Kingom Dakhleh. In K. Kroeper, M. Chłodnicki and M. Kobusiewicz (eds), Archaeology of Early Northeastern Africa. In Memory of Lech Krzyżaniak, 449–461. Poznań, Poznań Archaeological Museum. Studies in African Archaeology 9.
- 2007
The Petroglyph’s Code. Academia – The magazine of the Polish Academy of Sciences 1(13): 4–8 [with E. Kuciewicz and E. Jaroni].
Dakhleh Oasis Petroglyph Unit. New rock art sites, season 2005. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 17: 279–284 [with E. Kuciewicz and E. Jaroni].
- 2008
Dakhleh Oasis Petroglyph Unit. Rock art research, 2006. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 18 (2006): 317–322 [with E. Kuciewicz and E. Jaroni].
- 2009
Polskie badania stanowisk prahistorycznych poza Europą. In M. Brzostowicz (ed.), Archeologia polska i jej czasy, 61–70. Poznań.
Gauges of Rhyolite in the Khartoum Neolithic. Example from Kadero (Sudan). In J. M. Burdukiewicz, K. Cyrek, P. Dyczek and K. Szymczak (eds), Understanding the Past. Papers offered to Stefan K. Kozłowski, 195–198. Warsaw.
- 2010
Gebel Ramlah. Final Neolithic Cemeteries from the Western Desert of Egypt. Poznań [with J. Kabaciński, R. Schild, J. D. Irish, M. C. Gatto and F. Wendorf ].
Archeologa podróże po świecie. Podróże Poznaniaków. Kronika Miasta Poznania 2010(3): 342–357.
Oaza kobiet (Women’s Oasis). Archeologia żywa 1: 26–33 [with E. Kuciewicz].
- 2011
Preface. In M. Chłodnicki, M. Kobusiewicz and K. Kroeper (eds), Kadero: The Lech Krzyżaniak excavations in the Sudan, 7. Poznań. Studies in African Archaeology 10 [with M. Chłodnicki and K. Kroeper].
Lithic implements. In M. Chłodnicki, M. Kobusiewicz and K. Kroeper (eds), Kadero: The Lech Krzyżaniak excavations in the Sudan, 267–298. Poznań, Poznań Archaeological Museum. Studies in African Archaeology 10.
Burial practices of the Final Neolithic Pastoralists at Gebel Ramlah, Western Desert of Egipt. In R. F. Friedman and P. N. Fiske (eds), Egypt at its Origins 3, 93–212. Leuven–Paris–Walpole MA [with J. Kabaciński, R. Schild, J. D. Irish and F. Wendorf ].
Dakhleh Oasis Project: Petroglyph Unit. Rock art research, 2008. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 20: 237–244 [with E. Kuciewicz].
- 2012
Dakhleh Oasis Project. Petroglyph Unit: rock art research, 2009. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 21: 279–287 [with E. Kuciewicz].
Nowe odkrycia prahistorycznej sztuki naskalnej w północno-wschodniej Afryce. Nauka 3: 155–166.
Loiyangalani: A Cultural isolate in the Middle Stone Age of Northern Tanzania. In J. Kabaciński, M. Chłodnicki and M. Kobusiewicz (eds), Prehistory of Northeastern Africa. New Ideas and Discoveries, 479–491. Poznań, Studies in African Archaeology 11 [with J. R. F. Bower, and A. Z. P. Mabulla].
Badania nad sztuką naskalną w oazie Dachla (Pustynia Zachodnia, Egipt). Stanowisko 06/09. Fontes Archaeologici Posnanienses 48: 237–241 [with P. Polkowski].
Bir Nurayet – The fertility cult in prehistoric art of the Sudan. In E. Anati (ed.), The Intellectual and Spiritual Expressions of Non-Literate Peoples, 51–58. Capo di Ponte [with P. Bobrowski, M. Chłodnicki, M. Jórdeczka and K. Pluskota].
- 2013
Rock art Research in the Dakhleh Oasis, Western Desert (Egypt). Petroglyph Unit, Dakhleh Oasis Project. Sahara 24: 101–118 [with P. Polkowski, E. Kuciewicz and E. Jaroni].
Na styku archeologii z etnologią. In R. Vorbrich and A. Szymoszyn (eds), Ethnos et potentia. Interdyscyplinarność w polskiej etnologii, 99–108. Poznań [with P. Bobrowski and M. Jórdeczka].
What forced the prehistoric cattle-keepers to emigrate from the Red Sea Mountains? Studia Quaternaria 30(2): 135–142 [with P. Bobrowski, M. Jórdeczka, M. Chłodnicki and J. Kusiak].
- 2014
Dakhleh Oasis Project, Petroglyph Unit: rock art research, 2011. Polish Archaeology in Mediterranean 23(1): 229–243 [with E. Kuciewicz and P. Polkowski].
- 2015
The Production, Use and Importance of Flint Tools in the Archaic Period and the Old Kingdom of Egypt. Oxford. Dakhleh Oasis Project, Petroglyph Unit: Seasons 2012 and 2013. Polish Archaeology in Mediterranean 24(1): 275–296 [with E. Kuciewicz and P. Polkowski].
- 2016
Chipped and Ground Stone Assemblages from Kom el-Hisn. In R. J. Wenke, R. W. Redding and A. J. Cagle (eds), Kom el-Hisn (ca. 2500–1900 BC). An Ancient Settlement in the Nile Delta, 337–341. Atlanta, Georgia.
- 2017
Polskie badania sztuki naskalnej w Górach Czerwonomorskich (północno-wschodni Sudan). In A. Rozwadowski (ed.), Sztuka naskalna. Polskie doświadczenia badawcze, 261–292. Warszawa–Toruń [with P. Bobrowski, M. Jórdeczka and M. Chłodnicki].
- 2018
Sztuka naskalna w oazie Dachla w Pustyni Zachodniej w Egipcie. In B. Gediga, A. Grossman and W. Piotrowski (eds), Inspiracje i funkcje sztuki pradziejowej, 119–127. Biskupin–Wrocław [with E. Kuciewicz, E. Jaroni and P. Polkowski].
Gebel Karaiweb and Bir Nurayet (Sudan). The Oldest Settlement in the Red Sea Mountains. In J. Kabaciński, M. Chłodnicki, M. Kobusiewicz and M. Winiarska-Kabacińska (eds), Desert and the Nile. Prehistory of the Nile Basin and the Sahara. Papers in honour of Fred Wendorf, 483–514. Poznań, Studies in African Archaeology 15 [with P. Bobrowski, M. Jórdeczka and M. Chłodnicki].
Can the study of flint assemblages say something about the political relations in the early history of Egypt? In P. Valde-Nowak, K. Sobczyk, M. Nowak and J. Źrałka (eds), Multas per gentes et multa per saecula. Amici magistro et collegaue suo Joanni Christopho Kozłowski dedicant, 555–559. Kraków.
Rola neolitycznych pasterzy sawanny w kształtowaniu się Starożytnego Egiptu. In A. Posern-Zieliński, J. Sawicka, J. Kabaciński, M. Kara and K. Zamelska-Monczak (eds), Archeologia jako humanistyczna interpretacja przeszłości. Studia dedykowane Profesorowi Henrykowi Mamzerowi, 207–218. Poznań.
- 2019
Khashm el-Girba, Sudan. In M. Chłodnicki and P. L. Polkowski (eds), Gdy Sahara była zielona. Polskie badania archeologiczne nad prahistorią Afryki Północnej (When Sahara was Green. Polish archaeological research on the prehistory of North Africa), 67–68. Poznań, Poznań Archaeological Museum [with M. Chłodnicki].
Moje wspomnienia z archeologią w tle. Poznań.
Review of M. Osypińska, Krowie królestwa. Zwierzęta w historii Doliny Środkowego Nilu. Studium archeozoologiczne. Przegląd Archeologiczny 67: 333–335.
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