Historical and SEM-EDS Analysis of a 14th-16th Century Triangular Crucible from Sandomierz, Poland
crucible, post-medieval, graphite, iron, carburising, SEM-EDS analysisAbstract
The collection of the District Museum in Sandomierz holds a previously unidentified and unpublished triangular ceramic crucible. After at least fifty years since its acquisition, it was possible to obtain detailed information about its chemical composition and presumed use in the past. Based on analogies from Central Europe, it is possible to date it typologically to the 14th-16th centuries. The stamp mark on the bottom of the crucible points to Tulln in Austria as the place of its origin. The SEM-EDS analysis revealed the presence of graphite in the ceramic mass of the vessel as well as carbon and iron compounds on its inner wall, which indicates its possible use in the production of steel by carburising of iron.
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