John Morton Coles (1930-2020). From Palaeolithic Studies to Wetland Archaeology. A Commemoration
John Morton Coles (1930-2020), British archaeology, European Prehistory, Cambridge University, Somerset Levels Project, Scandinavian rock carvings, open-air museum at BiskupinAbstract
This article is dedicated to John Morton Coles (1930-2020), Professor of European Prehistory at Cambridge University between 1980 and 1986, Fellow of the British Academy, author of the highly regarded scientific works, teacher and editor. He dealt with several archaeological periods and was involved in different field projects and conducted numerous excavations. At Cambridge, in the Department of Archaeology, John Coles collaborated with such significant figures as Professors Grahame Clark and Glyn Daniel. John Coles devoted much of his time to experimental and wetland archaeology as well as to prehistoric rock carvings in Sweden and Norway. John Coles was awarded an honorary doctorate by Uppsala University. He was the advisor of Biskupin’s archaeological open-air Museum in Poland.
I. The most important publications by John Morton Coles, written by Him or written and edited by Him together with another researchers.
Coles, B. and Coles, J. 1986. Sweet Track to Glastonbury. The Somerset Levels in Prehistory. London, Thames and Hudson.
Coles, B. J. and Coles, J. 1989. People of the Wetlands. Bogs, Bodies and Lake Dwellers. London, Thames and Hudson.
Coles, B., Coles, J. and Schou Jorgensen, M. (eds). 1999. Bog Bodies, Sacred Sites and Wetland Archaeology. Exeter, WARP Occasional Paper 12.
Coles, J. M. 1962a. Scottish Late Bronze Age metal work. Proceedings of the Antiquaries of Scotland 93, 1959-60: 16–134.
Coles, J. M. 1962b. European Bronze Age shields. Proceedings of The Prehistoric Society 28: 156–190.
Coles, J. 1963a. Environmental studies in archaeology. In D. Brothwell and E. S. Higgs (eds), Science in Archaeology. A comparative survey of progress and research, 93-98. London, Thames and Hudson.
Coles, J. 1963b. Irish Bronze Age horns and their relationship with northern Europe. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 29: 326-356.
Coles, J. M. 1968a. Ancient Man in Europe. In J. M. Coles and D. D. A. Simpson (eds), Studies in Ancient Europe. Essays presented to Stuart Piggott, 17–43. Leicester, Leicester University Press.
Coles, J. M. 1968b. Experimental archaeology. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 99 (1966-67): 1–20.
Coles, J. M. 1972. Field Archaeology in Britain. London, Methuen.
Coles, J. M. 1973. Archaeology by Experiment. London, Hutchinson and Co. Ltd.
Coles, J. M. 1978. Music of Bronze Age Europe. Archaeology 31: 12–21.
Coles, J. M. 1979. Experimental Archaeology. London, Academic Press.
Coles, J. M. 1982. The Bronze Age in North-western Europe: problems and advances. Advances in World Archaeology 1: 265–321.
Coles, J. M. 1984. The Archaeology of Wetlands. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
Coles, J. M. 1987. Precision, purpose and priorities in wetland archaeology. WARP Occasional Paper Number 1. Reprinted from The Antiquaries Journal, vol. LXVI, part II: 227–247.
Coles, J. M. 1988. A wetland perspective. In B. A. Purdy (ed.), Wet Site Archaeology, 1–14. Caldwell, New Jersey, The Telford Press.
Coles, J. M. 1990a. Images of the Past. A guide to the rock carvings and other ancient monuments of northern Bohuslän. In association with Lasse Bengtsson. Bohuslän, Bohuslän Museum.
Coles, J. M. 1994. Rock Carvings of Uppland: A Guide. Uppsala. Occasional Papers in Archaeology 9.
Coles, J. M. 1995. Rock art as a picture show. In K. Helskog and B. Olsen (eds), Perceiving Rock Art. Social and Political Perspectives, 181–199. ACRA, the Alta conference on rock art. Oslo, Novus forlag: Instituttet for sammenlignende kulturforskning.
Coles, J. M. 1997. John Grahame Douglas Clark, 1907–1995. Proceedings of the British Academy 94: 357–387.
Coles, J. M. 1997-1998. Wetland archaeology in the 20th century: history and commentary. Archaeologia Polona 35–36: 287–317.
Coles, J. M. 1998. Prologue: Wetland Worlds and the Past Preserved. In K. Bernick (ed.), Hidden Dimensions. The Cultural Significance of Wetland Archaeology, 3–23. Vancouver, UBC Press.
Coles, J. M. 2000. Patterns in a Rocky Land. Rock Carvings in South-West Uppland, Sweden. Uppsala, University of Exeter.
Coles, J. M. 2005. Shadows of Northern Past. Rock Carvings in Bohuslän and Ostfold. Oxford, Oxbow Books.
Coles, J. M. 2019. Yesterday’s Man. An archaeological life 1955–1980. Crediton. WARP.
Coles, J., Bewley, R. H. and Mellars, P. A. (eds). 1999. World Prehistory. Studies in memory of Grahame Clark. Proceedings of the British Academy 99.
Coles, J. M. and Coles, B. J. 1989. Prehistory of the Somerset Levels. Hertford, Somerset Levels Project.
Coles, J. and B. 1996. Enlarging the Past. The Contribution of Wetland Archaeology. The Rhind Lectures for 1994-5. Edinburgh, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Monograph Series 11 and WARP Occasional Paper 10.
Coles, J. M. and Harding, A. F. 1979. The Bronze Age in Europe. An Introduction to the Prehistory of Europe c. 2000–700 BC. London, Methuen.
Coles, J. and Higgs, E. S. 1969. The Archaeology of Early Man. London, Faber and Faber.
Coles, J. and Higgs, E. S. 1975. The Archaeology of Early Man. Second Edition. Harmondsworth, Penguin Books.
Coles, J. M. and Lawson, A. J. (eds). 1987. European Wetlands in Prehistory. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
Coles, J. M. and Orme, B. J. 1980. Prehistory of the Somerset Levels. Hertford. Somerset Levels Project.
Coles, J. M. and Simpson, D. D. A (eds). 1968. Studies in Ancient Europe. Essays presented to Stuart Piggott. Leicester, Leicester University Press.
Marciniak, A. and Coles, J. (eds). 2010. Grahame Clark and His Legacy. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
II. The other references cited
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Clark, J. G. D. 1954. Excavations at Star Carr. An Early Mesolithic site at Seamer near Scarborough, Yorkshire. Cambridge, University Press.
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Coles, J. 2001a. Of water-wings and wellingtons: wetland archaeology and the new journal. Journal of Wetland Archaeology 1: 3–13.
Coles, J. 2001b. Irish Wetland Archaeology: From Opprobrium to Opportunity. In B. Raftery and J. Hickey (eds), Recent Developments in Wetland Research, 1–12. Dublin, Seandálaíocht-Department of Archaeology, University College Dublin, Monograph Series 2, WARP Occasional Paper 14.
Coles, J. 2002. David and Goliath: the Fenland Survey. In T. Lane and J. Coles (eds), Essays in Honour of David Hall, 1–9. Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire Archaeology and Heritage Reports Series No 5, WARP Occasional Paper 17.
Coles, J. 2009. Review: Danuta Piotrowska, Prolegomena do archeologii Biskupina. Tom I. Bibliografia archeologiczna Biskupina 1933–1983 [Prolegomenon to the archaeology of Biskupin. Volume I. An archaeological bibliography of Biskupin 1933–1983]. Warszawa: Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne 2008, pp. 464, 13 figs. Archaeologia Polona 47: 289–291.
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Coles, J. M. and Hall, D. 1998. Changing Landscapes: The Ancient Fenland. Exeter, Cambridgeshire County Council and WARP. WARP Occasional Paper 13.
Coles, J. M. and Livens, R. G. 1960. A bronze sword from Douglas, Lanarkshire. Proceedings of the Antiquaries of Scotland 91(1957-58): 182–186.
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