If Archaeology is Not Just About the Past. The Landscape of the KL Plaszow Memorial





Poland, Germany, Second World War, Nazi, Plaszow camp, landscape, materiality


In the years 2016–2019, interdisciplinary research was carried out related to the German Nazi concentration camp KL Plaszow. Its key component was non-invasive and invasive archaeological works. They resulted in uncovering thousands of artefacts and the documentation of the material heritage related to the camp, which has been preserved to this day in the local landscape. The discoveries made were also a trigger for broader reflection and investment activities. The results bring new insight into the role and meaning of the past, present and future of the landscape of KL Plaszow. Such a landscape ties the dead and the living, various people with their objects and comprises the legacy of unimaginable events during the Second World War.


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How to Cite

Karski, K., & Kobiałka, D. (2023). If Archaeology is Not Just About the Past. The Landscape of the KL Plaszow Memorial. Archaeologia Polona, 61, 219–237. https://doi.org/10.23858/APa61.2023.3201