Unfolding the Neolithic wetlands landscape of Szeghalom-Kovácshalom in Hungary


  • Apostolos Sarris
  • Nikos Papadopoulos
  • William A. Parkinson
  • Richard W. Yerkes
  • Attila Gyucha
  • Gábor Bácsmegi
  • Francois-Xavier Simon
  • Paul R. Duffy
  • Rod Salisbury


integrated geophysical survey, magnetics, ERT, multi-frequency EM, GPR, magnetic susceptibility, Neolithic wetlands, Hungary




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How to Cite

Sarris, A. ., Papadopoulos, N. ., Parkinson, W. A. ., Yerkes, R. W. ., Gyucha, A. ., Bácsmegi, G. ., Simon, F.-X., Duffy, P. R. ., & Salisbury, R. (2015). Unfolding the Neolithic wetlands landscape of Szeghalom-Kovácshalom in Hungary. Archaeologia Polona, 53, 360–364. Retrieved from https://journals.iaepan.pl/apolona/article/view/349