Polish excavations at Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile delta : preliminary report 2008-2010
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predynastyczny o.-o. Starego Państwa -- Egipt, cmentarzyska starożytnego Egiptu, wyposażenie grobów starożytnego Egiptu, Tell el-Farkha (Egipt)Abstrakt
The main aim of the 2008-10 campaigns was to excavate the deepest layers in the western part of the Western Kom, to finish excavations in a trench marked out in 2000 at the Central Kom, as well as examination of the settlement and further graves discovered at the Eastern Kom. At the Western Kom, new architectural remains were discovered. Analyses of tools used to stone vessels production, as well as animal remains suggest that the area, also in the Proto-Dynastic period, was connected with a local elite. At the Central Kom, relicts of a Lower Egyptian settlement, evidently divided into different zones, were recognized. There, the most valuable artefacts connected with this culture were found, many of them imported from the south. It is evident that the contacts between the Delta and Upper Egypt must have been far more developed than it had been previously suggested. At the Eastern Kom, 48 graves were excavated. They are dated to a period from Naqada IIIB to the Old Kingdom and represent three distinct cemeteries. Undoubtedly, some of them were freestanding mastabas from the Proto-Dynastic period. In other graves, a few new serekhs of the kings of Dynasty 0 were discovered
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