Polish Excavations at Tell El-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile Delta. Preliminary Report 2011–2013
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predynastyczny o.-o. Starego Państwa -- Egipt, Tell el-Farkha (Egipt), sprawozdania z badań archeologicznych -- Egipt, starożytny Egipt, osadnictwo starożytnego Egiptu, architektura starożytnego Egiptu, ceramika starożytnego Egiptu, naczynia kamienne, paciorki, kultura materialna starożytnego EgiptuAbstrakt
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Adams, B. and R. F. Friedman. 1992. “Imports and infl uencesin the Predynastic and Protodynastic settlement and funerary assemblages at Hierakonpolis,” in: E.C.M. van den Brink(ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition: 4th–3rd millennium B.C.,Tel Aviv, 317–338
Aston, B. 1994. Ancient Egyptian Stone Vessels. Materials and Forms (SAGA 5), Heidelberg
Buchez, N. 2004. “The study of a group of ceramics at the endof the Naqada period and socio-economic consideration,” in : S. Hendrickx, R. F. Friedman, K. M. Ciałowicz, and M. Chłodnicki(eds.), Egypt at its Origin. Studies in Memory of Barbara Adams. Proceedings of the International Conference “Originof the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, Kraków 28th August – 1st September 2002 (Orientalia LovaniensiaAnalecta 138), Leuven – Paris – Dudley, MA, 665– 687
Buszek, A. 2012. “Cosmetic palettes,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz,and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 315–322
Chłodnicki, M. 2011. “The Central Kom of Tell el-Farkha:1000 years of history (3600 –2600 BC),” in: R. Friedman and P.N. Fiske (eds.), Egypt at its Origins 3. Proceedings of theThird International Conference “Origin of the State. Predynasticand Early Dynastic Egypt”, London 27th July – 1st August2008 (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 205), Leuven – Paris –Dudley, MA, 41–57
Chłodnicki, M. 2012. “History of researches,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 9–15
Chłodnicki, M. 2012. “Lower Egyptian, Protodynastic and Early Dynastic settlements on the Northern part of the Eastern Kom,”in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska (eds.),Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków,19–34
Chłodnicki, M. and K.M. Ciałowicz. 2011. “Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala), season 2008,” PAM 20, 153–170
Chłodnicki, M. and K.M. Ciałowicz, with contributions by R. Abłamowicz,T. Herbich, M.S. Jórdeczka, M. Jucha, J. Kabaciński,L. Kubiak-Martens, and A. Mączyńska. 2002. “Polish Excavationsat Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile Delta. PreliminaryReport 1998–2001,” Archeologia 53, 63–119
Chłodnicki, M. and K.M. Ciałowicz, with contributions by R. Abłamowicz, J. Dębowska, M. Jucha, R. Kirkowski, and A. Mączyńska.2004. “Polish Excavations at Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile Delta. Preliminary Report 2002–2003,” Archeologia55, 47–74
Chłodnicki, M. and K.M. Ciałowicz, with contributions by R. Abłamowicz, K. Cichowski, J. Dębowska-Ludwin, M. Jucha, J. Kabaciński,M. Kaczmarek, M. Pawlikowski, G. Pryc, A. Re wekant,M. Skrzypczak, P. Szejnoga, M. Wasilewski, 2006. “PolishExcavations at Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile Delta.Preliminary Report 2004–2005”, Archeologia 57, 71–128
Chłodnicki, M. and K. M. Ciałowicz, with contributions by R. Abłamowicz, J. Dębowska-Ludwin, M. Jucha, A. Mączyńska,G. Pryc, M. Rozwadowski, and M. Sobas. 2008. “PolishExcavations at Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile Delta.Preliminary Report 2006–2007,” Archeologia 59, 81–151
Chłodnicki, M. and K.M. Ciałowicz, with contributions by M. Czarnowicz, J. Dębowska-Ludwin, M. Jórdeczka, M.A. Jucha, A. Mączyńska,M. Mrozek-Wysocka, M. Rozwadowski, and M. Sobas.2010. “Polish Excavations at Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile Delta. Preliminary Report 2008–2010,” Archeologia 61,109–170
Chłodnicki, M. and M. Geming. 2012. “Lower Egyptian settlementon the Central Kom,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 89–104
Chłodnicki, M., R. Fattovich, and S. Salvatori. 1991. “Italian Excavations in the Nile Delta: Fresh Data and New Hypothesison the 4th Millennium Cultural Development of EgyptianPrehistory,” RdA 15, 5–33
Chłodnicki, M., R. Fattovich, and S. Salvatori. 1992. “The Italian Archaeological Mission of the C.S.R.L. – Venice to the Eastern Nile Delta: A preliminary report of the 1987–1988 field season,” Cahier de Recherches de l’Institute de Papyrologieet d’Égyptologie de Lille 14, 46–53
Ciałowicz, K.M. 2008. “The nature of the relation between Lowerand Upper Egypt in the Protodynastic period. A view from Tellel-Farkha,” in: B. Midant-Reynes and Y. Tristant, in collaboration with J. Rowland and S. Hendrickx (eds.), Egypt at its Origins 2. Proceedings of the International Conference “Originof the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, Toulouse (France), 5th – 8th September 2005 (Orientalia LovaniensiaAnalecta 172), Leuven – Paris – Dudley, MA, 501– 513
Ciałowicz, K.M. 2012. “Protodynastic and Early Dynastic settlementon the Western Kom,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz,and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 163–180
Ciałowicz, K.M. 2012. “Early Egyptian objects of art,” in : M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 201– 243
Ciałowicz, K.M. 2012. “Lower Egyptian settlement on the Western Kom,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska(eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 149–162
Ciałowicz, K.M. and J. Dębowska-Ludwin. 2013. “Tell el-Farkha and its implications for understanding the earliest architecture of Lower Egypt,” Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization 17:25– 40
Czarnowicz, M. 2012. “Southern Levantine imports and imitations,”in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań –Kraków, 245– 265
Czarnowicz, M. 2012. “Copper tools,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 345–355
Dębowska-Ludwin, J. 2012. “The cemetery,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 53–75
Dreyer, G., E.-M. Engel, U. Hartung, T. Hikade, E. Ch. Köhler,and F. Pumpenmeier. 1996. “Umm el-Qaab. Nachuntersuchungenim frühzeitlichen Königsfriedhof. 7/8. Vorbericht,”Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, AbteilungKairo 52, 11– 81
Gwinnett, A.J. and L. Gorelick. 1993. “Beads, Scarabs, and Amulets : Methods of Manufacture in Ancient Egypt.” Journal of theAmerican Research Center in Egypt 30, 125–132
Hendrickx, S., D. Faltings, L. op de Beeck, D. Raue, and Ch. Michiels.2002. “Milk, beer and bread technology during the Early Dynastic period,” Mitteilungen des Deutschen ArchäologischenInstituts, Abteilung Kairo 58, 277–304
Herbich, T. 2004. “Magnetic survey at Tell el-Farkha or how tointerpret a magnetic map,” in: S. Hendrickx, R.F. Friedman,K.M. Ciałowicz, and M. Chłodnicki (eds.), Egypt at its Origin.Studies in Memory of Barbara Adams. Proceedings of the InternationalConference “Origin of the state. Predynastic andEarly Dynastic Egypt”, Kraków 28th August – 1st September2002 (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 138), Leuven – Paris –Dudley, MA, 389–398
Herbich, T. 2012. “Magnetic survey,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz,and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations1998 –2011, Poznań – Kraków, 383–391
Jucha, M.A. 2005. Tell el-Farkha I. The Pottery of the Predynastic Settlement (Phases 2–5), Kraków – Poznań
Jucha, M.A. 2012. “Pottery from the cemetery,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 77– 86
Kabaciński, J. 2012. “Some aspects of the lithic production,” in : M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tellel-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 323–344
Kaiser, W. and G. Dreyer. 1982. “Umm el-Qaab. Nachuntersuchungenim frühzeitlichen Königsfriedhof. 2. Vorbericht,”Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 38, 211– 269
Köhler, Ch. 1992. “The Pre- and Early Dynastic Pottery of Tellel-Fara’in / Buto,” in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition: 4th – 3rd Millennium B.C., Tel Aviv, 11–22
Köhler, Ch. 1998. Tell el-Fara’in. Buto III. Die Keramik vonder späten Nagada-Kultur bis zum frühen Alten Reich, Mainz
Kołodziejczyk, P. 2009. “Tell el-Farkha 2006. Granary models,”Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization 17: 49–54
Kroeper, K. 1988. “The Excavations of the Munich East-Delta Ex pedition in Minshat Abu Omar,” in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Archaeology of the Nile Delta Problem and Priorities, Amsterdam, 11– 46
Kroeper, K. 1994. “Minshat Abu Omar. Pot Burials Occurringin the Dynastic Cemetery,” Bulletin de Liaison dugroupe international d’étude de la céramique égyptienne 18,19–32
Kroeper, K. and D. Wildung. 2000. Minshat Abu Omar II. Einvor- und frühgeschichtlicher Friedhof im Niledelta. Gräber115–204, Mainz
Krzyżaniak, L. 1989. “Recent archaeological evidence on theearliest settlement in the eastern Nile Delta,” in: L. Krzyżaniakand M. Kobusiewicz (eds.), Late Prehistory of the Nile Basinand the Sahara, Poznań, 267– 285
Mączyńska, A. 2012. “Pottery from the Central Kom,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 115–145
Petrie, W.M.F. 1921. Corpus of Prehistoric Pottery and Palettes, London
Pryc, G. 2012. “Stone vessels,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz,and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 297–314
Sobas, M. 2012. “Pottery from the Western Kom,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 181–197
Aston, B. 1994. Ancient Egyptian Stone Vessels. Materials and Forms (SAGA 5), Heidelberg
Buchez, N. 2004. “The study of a group of ceramics at the endof the Naqada period and socio-economic consideration,” in : S. Hendrickx, R. F. Friedman, K. M. Ciałowicz, and M. Chłodnicki(eds.), Egypt at its Origin. Studies in Memory of Barbara Adams. Proceedings of the International Conference “Originof the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, Kraków 28th August – 1st September 2002 (Orientalia LovaniensiaAnalecta 138), Leuven – Paris – Dudley, MA, 665– 687
Buszek, A. 2012. “Cosmetic palettes,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz,and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 315–322
Chłodnicki, M. 2011. “The Central Kom of Tell el-Farkha:1000 years of history (3600 –2600 BC),” in: R. Friedman and P.N. Fiske (eds.), Egypt at its Origins 3. Proceedings of theThird International Conference “Origin of the State. Predynasticand Early Dynastic Egypt”, London 27th July – 1st August2008 (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 205), Leuven – Paris –Dudley, MA, 41–57
Chłodnicki, M. 2012. “History of researches,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 9–15
Chłodnicki, M. 2012. “Lower Egyptian, Protodynastic and Early Dynastic settlements on the Northern part of the Eastern Kom,”in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska (eds.),Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków,19–34
Chłodnicki, M. and K.M. Ciałowicz. 2011. “Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala), season 2008,” PAM 20, 153–170
Chłodnicki, M. and K.M. Ciałowicz, with contributions by R. Abłamowicz,T. Herbich, M.S. Jórdeczka, M. Jucha, J. Kabaciński,L. Kubiak-Martens, and A. Mączyńska. 2002. “Polish Excavationsat Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile Delta. PreliminaryReport 1998–2001,” Archeologia 53, 63–119
Chłodnicki, M. and K.M. Ciałowicz, with contributions by R. Abłamowicz, J. Dębowska, M. Jucha, R. Kirkowski, and A. Mączyńska.2004. “Polish Excavations at Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile Delta. Preliminary Report 2002–2003,” Archeologia55, 47–74
Chłodnicki, M. and K.M. Ciałowicz, with contributions by R. Abłamowicz, K. Cichowski, J. Dębowska-Ludwin, M. Jucha, J. Kabaciński,M. Kaczmarek, M. Pawlikowski, G. Pryc, A. Re wekant,M. Skrzypczak, P. Szejnoga, M. Wasilewski, 2006. “PolishExcavations at Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile Delta.Preliminary Report 2004–2005”, Archeologia 57, 71–128
Chłodnicki, M. and K. M. Ciałowicz, with contributions by R. Abłamowicz, J. Dębowska-Ludwin, M. Jucha, A. Mączyńska,G. Pryc, M. Rozwadowski, and M. Sobas. 2008. “PolishExcavations at Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile Delta.Preliminary Report 2006–2007,” Archeologia 59, 81–151
Chłodnicki, M. and K.M. Ciałowicz, with contributions by M. Czarnowicz, J. Dębowska-Ludwin, M. Jórdeczka, M.A. Jucha, A. Mączyńska,M. Mrozek-Wysocka, M. Rozwadowski, and M. Sobas.2010. “Polish Excavations at Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile Delta. Preliminary Report 2008–2010,” Archeologia 61,109–170
Chłodnicki, M. and M. Geming. 2012. “Lower Egyptian settlementon the Central Kom,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 89–104
Chłodnicki, M., R. Fattovich, and S. Salvatori. 1991. “Italian Excavations in the Nile Delta: Fresh Data and New Hypothesison the 4th Millennium Cultural Development of EgyptianPrehistory,” RdA 15, 5–33
Chłodnicki, M., R. Fattovich, and S. Salvatori. 1992. “The Italian Archaeological Mission of the C.S.R.L. – Venice to the Eastern Nile Delta: A preliminary report of the 1987–1988 field season,” Cahier de Recherches de l’Institute de Papyrologieet d’Égyptologie de Lille 14, 46–53
Ciałowicz, K.M. 2008. “The nature of the relation between Lowerand Upper Egypt in the Protodynastic period. A view from Tellel-Farkha,” in: B. Midant-Reynes and Y. Tristant, in collaboration with J. Rowland and S. Hendrickx (eds.), Egypt at its Origins 2. Proceedings of the International Conference “Originof the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, Toulouse (France), 5th – 8th September 2005 (Orientalia LovaniensiaAnalecta 172), Leuven – Paris – Dudley, MA, 501– 513
Ciałowicz, K.M. 2012. “Protodynastic and Early Dynastic settlementon the Western Kom,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz,and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 163–180
Ciałowicz, K.M. 2012. “Early Egyptian objects of art,” in : M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 201– 243
Ciałowicz, K.M. 2012. “Lower Egyptian settlement on the Western Kom,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska(eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 149–162
Ciałowicz, K.M. and J. Dębowska-Ludwin. 2013. “Tell el-Farkha and its implications for understanding the earliest architecture of Lower Egypt,” Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization 17:25– 40
Czarnowicz, M. 2012. “Southern Levantine imports and imitations,”in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań –Kraków, 245– 265
Czarnowicz, M. 2012. “Copper tools,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 345–355
Dębowska-Ludwin, J. 2012. “The cemetery,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 53–75
Dreyer, G., E.-M. Engel, U. Hartung, T. Hikade, E. Ch. Köhler,and F. Pumpenmeier. 1996. “Umm el-Qaab. Nachuntersuchungenim frühzeitlichen Königsfriedhof. 7/8. Vorbericht,”Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, AbteilungKairo 52, 11– 81
Gwinnett, A.J. and L. Gorelick. 1993. “Beads, Scarabs, and Amulets : Methods of Manufacture in Ancient Egypt.” Journal of theAmerican Research Center in Egypt 30, 125–132
Hendrickx, S., D. Faltings, L. op de Beeck, D. Raue, and Ch. Michiels.2002. “Milk, beer and bread technology during the Early Dynastic period,” Mitteilungen des Deutschen ArchäologischenInstituts, Abteilung Kairo 58, 277–304
Herbich, T. 2004. “Magnetic survey at Tell el-Farkha or how tointerpret a magnetic map,” in: S. Hendrickx, R.F. Friedman,K.M. Ciałowicz, and M. Chłodnicki (eds.), Egypt at its Origin.Studies in Memory of Barbara Adams. Proceedings of the InternationalConference “Origin of the state. Predynastic andEarly Dynastic Egypt”, Kraków 28th August – 1st September2002 (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 138), Leuven – Paris –Dudley, MA, 389–398
Herbich, T. 2012. “Magnetic survey,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz,and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations1998 –2011, Poznań – Kraków, 383–391
Jucha, M.A. 2005. Tell el-Farkha I. The Pottery of the Predynastic Settlement (Phases 2–5), Kraków – Poznań
Jucha, M.A. 2012. “Pottery from the cemetery,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 77– 86
Kabaciński, J. 2012. “Some aspects of the lithic production,” in : M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tellel-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 323–344
Kaiser, W. and G. Dreyer. 1982. “Umm el-Qaab. Nachuntersuchungenim frühzeitlichen Königsfriedhof. 2. Vorbericht,”Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 38, 211– 269
Köhler, Ch. 1992. “The Pre- and Early Dynastic Pottery of Tellel-Fara’in / Buto,” in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Nile Delta in Transition: 4th – 3rd Millennium B.C., Tel Aviv, 11–22
Köhler, Ch. 1998. Tell el-Fara’in. Buto III. Die Keramik vonder späten Nagada-Kultur bis zum frühen Alten Reich, Mainz
Kołodziejczyk, P. 2009. “Tell el-Farkha 2006. Granary models,”Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization 17: 49–54
Kroeper, K. 1988. “The Excavations of the Munich East-Delta Ex pedition in Minshat Abu Omar,” in: E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Archaeology of the Nile Delta Problem and Priorities, Amsterdam, 11– 46
Kroeper, K. 1994. “Minshat Abu Omar. Pot Burials Occurringin the Dynastic Cemetery,” Bulletin de Liaison dugroupe international d’étude de la céramique égyptienne 18,19–32
Kroeper, K. and D. Wildung. 2000. Minshat Abu Omar II. Einvor- und frühgeschichtlicher Friedhof im Niledelta. Gräber115–204, Mainz
Krzyżaniak, L. 1989. “Recent archaeological evidence on theearliest settlement in the eastern Nile Delta,” in: L. Krzyżaniakand M. Kobusiewicz (eds.), Late Prehistory of the Nile Basinand the Sahara, Poznań, 267– 285
Mączyńska, A. 2012. “Pottery from the Central Kom,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 115–145
Petrie, W.M.F. 1921. Corpus of Prehistoric Pottery and Palettes, London
Pryc, G. 2012. “Stone vessels,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz,and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 297–314
Sobas, M. 2012. “Pottery from the Western Kom,” in: M. Chłodnicki, K.M. Ciałowicz, and A. Mączyńska (eds.), Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998–2011, Poznań – Kraków, 181–197
Jak cytować
Chłodnicki, M., Ciałowicz, K. M., Bąk-Pryc, G., Dębowska-Ludwin, J., Jucha, M. A., Rosińska-Balik, K., & Sobas, M. (2013). Polish Excavations at Tell El-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile Delta. Preliminary Report 2011–2013. Archeologia, 64, 99–140. Pobrano z https://journals.iaepan.pl/arch/article/view/543

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