Preliminary Report on the Excavations and Prospection Surveys of the University of Warsaw Archaeological Expedition
Słowa kluczowe:
rzymski o. -- Bułgaria, Novae (Bułgaria), sprawozdania z badań archeologicznych -- Bułgaria, powierzchniowe badania, legiony rzymskie, obozy wojskowe rzymskie, architektura obronna rzymska, forty rzymskie, osadnictwo rzymskie, rezerwaty archeologiczne -- BułgariaAbstrakt
The present interim report covers three years (2013–15) of various archaeological activities in Novae and its surroundings, including not only three systematic summer excavation campaigns (defences of the legionary fortress) and two spring prospection campaigns (2013–14: extramural settlements – vicus at Ostrite Mogili and canabae including the mithraeum) but also emergency excavations associated with earthworks preceding the opening of an archaeological park in the central part of the site (2013) and with repairing the broken modern water supply pipe Vardim – Svištov in the rear part of the fortress (2014).
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Biernacka-Lubańska, M. 1962. "Sondaż C," in: K. Majewski (ed.), "Novae 1961. Tymczasowe sprawozdanie z wykopalisk Ekspedycji Archeologicznej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego," Archeologia 13, 99-104.
Biernacki, A. B. and E. Ju. Klenina. 2016. "The Labrum from the Large Legionary Bathhouse at Novae (Moesia inferior)," Ar-chaeologia Bulgarica (forthcoming).
Conrad, S. 2006. "Archaeological Survey on the Lower Danube: Results and Perspectives," in: P. Guldager Bilde and V. F. Štolba (eds.), Surveying the Greek Chora. The Black Sea Region in a Comparative Perspective. International Conference, Sandbjerg, Denmark (31 August — 3 September 2003), Black Sea Studies IV, Aarhus, 309-331.
Conrad, S. and D. Stančev. 2002. "Archaeological Survey on the Roman Frontier on the Lower Danube between Novae and Sexaginta Prista. Preliminary Report (1997-2000)," in: J. Freeman et al. (eds.), Limes XVIII. Proceedings of the XVIIIth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies Held in Amman, Jordan (September 2000), B.A.R. Int. Ser. 1084, vol. II, Oxford, 671-673.
Dimitrov, K. 2013, "Antični moneti ot rajona na Nove (Mizia), sečeni predi osnovaneto na rimskia voenen lager (V v. pr. Hr. - 41 g. sl. Hr.)," in: M. Dimitrov and I.N. Undžijev (eds.), Sbornik v pamet na akademik D.P. Dimitrov, Sofia, 712-766.
Dimitrova-Milčeva, A. 2000. Terra sigillata und dünnwandige Keramik aus Moesia inferior, Sofia.
Donevski, P. 1990. "Raskopki v mestnostta "Ostrite Mogili" iztočno ot Nove," in: Arheologičeski Otkritia i Razkopki prez 1990 g., Lovec, 95-96.
Donevski, P. 1996. "Some Aspects of Defensive System of the Roman Camp Novae (Moesia inferior) in Ist - IIIrd century," in: P. Petrovic (ed.), Roman Limes on the Middle and Lower Danube, Belgrade, 201-203.
Donevski, P. 2015. "A Comparison between Novae and Durosto-rum in Lower Moesia: Topography, Defensive System and Legal Status," in: L. Vagalinski and N. Sharankov (eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies: Ruse, Bulgaria, September 2012, Sofia, 163 -168.
Dymaczewski, A. et al. 1965. "Materiały z badań archeologicznych w Bułgarii," Slavia Antiqua 12, 235-287.
Genčeva, E. and A. Reclav. 2010. "Sondažni proučvania na patisa kam voenia lager Nove," in: Arheologičeski Otkritia i Raskopk prez 2009 g., Sofia, 317.
Gerov, B. 1964. "Die Rechtsstellung der untermösischen Stadt Novae," in: Akte des 4. Internationalen Kongresses für griechische und lateinische Epigraphik: Wien, 17. bis 22. September 1962, Wien, 128-133.
Gerov, B. 1977. "Zum Problem der Entstehung der römischen Städte am unteren Donaulimes," Klio 59, 299-309.
Ivanov, R. 2002. Stroitelna keramika ot dolnia Dunav (Eskus -Nove - Durostorum), Sofia.
Kołkówna, S. 1965, in: S. Parnicki-Pudełko , "Novae - Sektor Zachodni 1964," Archeologia 16, 163-167.
Kowal, T. and S. K. Kozłowski. 2011. "Zabytki prehistoryczne z Novae i Ostrite Mogili," Novensia 22, 7-13.
Łajtar, A. 2013. "A Newly Discovered Inscription at Novae (Moe-sia inferior) Associated withpastus militum," Tyche 28, 97-111.
Łajtar, A. 2015. "Another Greek Inscription from Novae (Lower Moesia) Associated with pastus militum," in: A. Tomas (ed.), Ad fines Imperii Romani. Studia Professori Thaddeo Sarnowski septuagenario ab amicis collegis discipulisque dedicata, Warszawa, 277-288.
Mitova-Džonova, D. 1981. "Svetilise na Dionis kraj Svi sov," Arheologia 4/2, 21-24.
Mrozewicz, L. 1981. "Municipium Novae: problem lokalizacji," in: S. Parnicki-Pudełko (ed.), Novae - Sektor Zachodni 1976, 1978: wyniki badań wykopaliskowych Ekspedycji Archeologicznej Uniwersytetu im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Poznań. 197-200.
Mrozewicz, L. 1984. "Ze studiów nad rolą canabae w procesie urbanizowania terenów pogranicza reńsko-dunajskiego w okresie wczesnego cesarstwa," in: W. Pająkowski and L. Mrozewicz (eds.), Novae i kultura starożytna, Balcanica Posnaniensia III, Poznań, 285-297.
Parnicki-Pudełko, S. 1990. The Fortifications in the Western Sector of Novae, Poznań.
Poulter, A.G. 1983. "Town and Country in Moesia Inferior," in: A. G. Poulter (ed.), Ancient Bulgaria. Papers Presented to the International Symposium on the Ancient History and Archaeology of Bulgaria, University of Nottingham 1981, Nottingham, 74-118.
Sarnowski, T. 1979. "Badania powierzchniowe w okolicy Novae," in: Novae - Sektor Zachodni 1977, Archeologia 30, 207-210.
Sarnowski, T. 1983. "Wschodni bok twierdzy legionowej. Sondaże," in: Novae - Sektor Zachodni 1981, Archeologia 34, 153-160.
Sarnowski, T. 1985. "Die legio I Italica und der untere Donauabschnitt der Notitia Dignitatum," Germania 63, 107-127.
Sarnowski, T. 1995. "Another Legionary Groma Gate Hall? The Case of Novae in Lower Moesia", in: A. B. Biernacki (ed.), Novae. Studies and Materials, I, Poznań 1995, 37-40.
Sarnowski, T. (ed.) 2012. Novae. An Archaeological Guide to a Roman Legionary Fortress and Early Byzantine Town on the Lower Danube (Bulgaria), Warszawa.
Sarnowski, T. 2013, "Accepta pariatoria und pastus militum. Eine neue Statuenbasis mit zwei Inschriften aus Novae," Tyche 28, 135-146.
Sarnowski, T. (ed.) 2014. Nove (Novae). Arheologičeski patevo-ditel na rimskia legionen lager i rannovizantijski grad na Dolnia Dunav, Sofia-Warszawa.
Sarnowski, T. 2015. "Iuppiter und die legio I Italica," in: L. Zer-bini (ed.), Culti e religiosita nelle province danubiane. Atti del II Convegno Internazionale: Ferrara, 20 -22 Novembre 2013, Ferrara, 507-524.
Sarnowski, T. et al. 2005. "Novae - castra legionis, 2003-2005," Archeologia 56, 141-152.
Sarnowski, T. et al. 2008. "Novae - castra legionis, 2006-2009," Archeologia 59, 153-172.
Sarnowski, T. et al. 2011-2012. "Novae - castra legionis, 20102012," Archeologia 62-63, 75-90.
Sarnowski, T. et al. 2013. "Novae. Legionary Defences and Headquarters Building," Swiatowit 52, fasc. A, 179 -188.
Sarnowski, T. et al. 2015. "Novae. Legionary Defences and Rear Part of the Fortress," Swiatowit 53, fasc. A (forthcoming).
Stefanov, S. 1958. "Prinos k"m starata istoria na Svisov do sre-data na XVII vek," in: Sto godini Narodno Citalise Svisov, Svisov, 337-365.
Tomas, A. 2006. "Municipium Novensium? Report on the Field Survey at Ostrite Mogili, Veliko Turnovo District," Swiatowit 47, fasc. A, 115-128.
Tomas, A. 2011. "Canabae legionis I Italicae: State of Research on Civil Settlements Accompanying the Legionary Camp in Novae (Lower Moesia) Compared to Relevant Lower Danubian Sites," Światowit 50, fasc. A, 155-168.
Tomas, A. 2012. "Non-Destructive Investigations in the Extramural Area of Novae (Lower Moesia) in 2012," Swiatowit 51, fasc. A, 157-161.
Tomas, A. 2013. "Non-Destructive Investigations in the Extramural Area of Novae (Lower Moesia) in 2013," Swiatowit 52, fasc. A, 197-208.
Tomas, A. 2013. "A New Dedicatory Inscription from Novae (Moesia inferior)," Swiatowit 52, fasc. A, 79-86.
Tomas, A. 2015. "Non-Destructive Investigations in the Extramural Area of Novae (Lower Moesia) in 2014," Swiatowit 53, fasc. A (forthcoming).
Tomas, A. and M. Lemke. 2015. "The Mithraeum at Novae Revisited," in: A. Tomas (ed.), Ad fines Imperii Romani. Studia Professori Thaddeo Sarnowski septuagenario ab amicis colle-gis discipulisque dedicata, Warszawa, 227-247.
Valov, V. 1965. "Antični nekropoli v Svisovsko," Arheologia 7/1, 27-34.
Vladkova, P. 2015. "Free-Standing Towers West from Novae," in: L. Vagalinski and N. Sharankov (eds.), Limes XXII. Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies: Ruse, Bulgaria, September 2012, Sofia, 187-194.
Biernacki, A. B. and E. Ju. Klenina. 2016. "The Labrum from the Large Legionary Bathhouse at Novae (Moesia inferior)," Ar-chaeologia Bulgarica (forthcoming).
Conrad, S. 2006. "Archaeological Survey on the Lower Danube: Results and Perspectives," in: P. Guldager Bilde and V. F. Štolba (eds.), Surveying the Greek Chora. The Black Sea Region in a Comparative Perspective. International Conference, Sandbjerg, Denmark (31 August — 3 September 2003), Black Sea Studies IV, Aarhus, 309-331.
Conrad, S. and D. Stančev. 2002. "Archaeological Survey on the Roman Frontier on the Lower Danube between Novae and Sexaginta Prista. Preliminary Report (1997-2000)," in: J. Freeman et al. (eds.), Limes XVIII. Proceedings of the XVIIIth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies Held in Amman, Jordan (September 2000), B.A.R. Int. Ser. 1084, vol. II, Oxford, 671-673.
Dimitrov, K. 2013, "Antični moneti ot rajona na Nove (Mizia), sečeni predi osnovaneto na rimskia voenen lager (V v. pr. Hr. - 41 g. sl. Hr.)," in: M. Dimitrov and I.N. Undžijev (eds.), Sbornik v pamet na akademik D.P. Dimitrov, Sofia, 712-766.
Dimitrova-Milčeva, A. 2000. Terra sigillata und dünnwandige Keramik aus Moesia inferior, Sofia.
Donevski, P. 1990. "Raskopki v mestnostta "Ostrite Mogili" iztočno ot Nove," in: Arheologičeski Otkritia i Razkopki prez 1990 g., Lovec, 95-96.
Donevski, P. 1996. "Some Aspects of Defensive System of the Roman Camp Novae (Moesia inferior) in Ist - IIIrd century," in: P. Petrovic (ed.), Roman Limes on the Middle and Lower Danube, Belgrade, 201-203.
Donevski, P. 2015. "A Comparison between Novae and Durosto-rum in Lower Moesia: Topography, Defensive System and Legal Status," in: L. Vagalinski and N. Sharankov (eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies: Ruse, Bulgaria, September 2012, Sofia, 163 -168.
Dymaczewski, A. et al. 1965. "Materiały z badań archeologicznych w Bułgarii," Slavia Antiqua 12, 235-287.
Genčeva, E. and A. Reclav. 2010. "Sondažni proučvania na patisa kam voenia lager Nove," in: Arheologičeski Otkritia i Raskopk prez 2009 g., Sofia, 317.
Gerov, B. 1964. "Die Rechtsstellung der untermösischen Stadt Novae," in: Akte des 4. Internationalen Kongresses für griechische und lateinische Epigraphik: Wien, 17. bis 22. September 1962, Wien, 128-133.
Gerov, B. 1977. "Zum Problem der Entstehung der römischen Städte am unteren Donaulimes," Klio 59, 299-309.
Ivanov, R. 2002. Stroitelna keramika ot dolnia Dunav (Eskus -Nove - Durostorum), Sofia.
Kołkówna, S. 1965, in: S. Parnicki-Pudełko , "Novae - Sektor Zachodni 1964," Archeologia 16, 163-167.
Kowal, T. and S. K. Kozłowski. 2011. "Zabytki prehistoryczne z Novae i Ostrite Mogili," Novensia 22, 7-13.
Łajtar, A. 2013. "A Newly Discovered Inscription at Novae (Moe-sia inferior) Associated withpastus militum," Tyche 28, 97-111.
Łajtar, A. 2015. "Another Greek Inscription from Novae (Lower Moesia) Associated with pastus militum," in: A. Tomas (ed.), Ad fines Imperii Romani. Studia Professori Thaddeo Sarnowski septuagenario ab amicis collegis discipulisque dedicata, Warszawa, 277-288.
Mitova-Džonova, D. 1981. "Svetilise na Dionis kraj Svi sov," Arheologia 4/2, 21-24.
Mrozewicz, L. 1981. "Municipium Novae: problem lokalizacji," in: S. Parnicki-Pudełko (ed.), Novae - Sektor Zachodni 1976, 1978: wyniki badań wykopaliskowych Ekspedycji Archeologicznej Uniwersytetu im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Poznań. 197-200.
Mrozewicz, L. 1984. "Ze studiów nad rolą canabae w procesie urbanizowania terenów pogranicza reńsko-dunajskiego w okresie wczesnego cesarstwa," in: W. Pająkowski and L. Mrozewicz (eds.), Novae i kultura starożytna, Balcanica Posnaniensia III, Poznań, 285-297.
Parnicki-Pudełko, S. 1990. The Fortifications in the Western Sector of Novae, Poznań.
Poulter, A.G. 1983. "Town and Country in Moesia Inferior," in: A. G. Poulter (ed.), Ancient Bulgaria. Papers Presented to the International Symposium on the Ancient History and Archaeology of Bulgaria, University of Nottingham 1981, Nottingham, 74-118.
Sarnowski, T. 1979. "Badania powierzchniowe w okolicy Novae," in: Novae - Sektor Zachodni 1977, Archeologia 30, 207-210.
Sarnowski, T. 1983. "Wschodni bok twierdzy legionowej. Sondaże," in: Novae - Sektor Zachodni 1981, Archeologia 34, 153-160.
Sarnowski, T. 1985. "Die legio I Italica und der untere Donauabschnitt der Notitia Dignitatum," Germania 63, 107-127.
Sarnowski, T. 1995. "Another Legionary Groma Gate Hall? The Case of Novae in Lower Moesia", in: A. B. Biernacki (ed.), Novae. Studies and Materials, I, Poznań 1995, 37-40.
Sarnowski, T. (ed.) 2012. Novae. An Archaeological Guide to a Roman Legionary Fortress and Early Byzantine Town on the Lower Danube (Bulgaria), Warszawa.
Sarnowski, T. 2013, "Accepta pariatoria und pastus militum. Eine neue Statuenbasis mit zwei Inschriften aus Novae," Tyche 28, 135-146.
Sarnowski, T. (ed.) 2014. Nove (Novae). Arheologičeski patevo-ditel na rimskia legionen lager i rannovizantijski grad na Dolnia Dunav, Sofia-Warszawa.
Sarnowski, T. 2015. "Iuppiter und die legio I Italica," in: L. Zer-bini (ed.), Culti e religiosita nelle province danubiane. Atti del II Convegno Internazionale: Ferrara, 20 -22 Novembre 2013, Ferrara, 507-524.
Sarnowski, T. et al. 2005. "Novae - castra legionis, 2003-2005," Archeologia 56, 141-152.
Sarnowski, T. et al. 2008. "Novae - castra legionis, 2006-2009," Archeologia 59, 153-172.
Sarnowski, T. et al. 2011-2012. "Novae - castra legionis, 20102012," Archeologia 62-63, 75-90.
Sarnowski, T. et al. 2013. "Novae. Legionary Defences and Headquarters Building," Swiatowit 52, fasc. A, 179 -188.
Sarnowski, T. et al. 2015. "Novae. Legionary Defences and Rear Part of the Fortress," Swiatowit 53, fasc. A (forthcoming).
Stefanov, S. 1958. "Prinos k"m starata istoria na Svisov do sre-data na XVII vek," in: Sto godini Narodno Citalise Svisov, Svisov, 337-365.
Tomas, A. 2006. "Municipium Novensium? Report on the Field Survey at Ostrite Mogili, Veliko Turnovo District," Swiatowit 47, fasc. A, 115-128.
Tomas, A. 2011. "Canabae legionis I Italicae: State of Research on Civil Settlements Accompanying the Legionary Camp in Novae (Lower Moesia) Compared to Relevant Lower Danubian Sites," Światowit 50, fasc. A, 155-168.
Tomas, A. 2012. "Non-Destructive Investigations in the Extramural Area of Novae (Lower Moesia) in 2012," Swiatowit 51, fasc. A, 157-161.
Tomas, A. 2013. "Non-Destructive Investigations in the Extramural Area of Novae (Lower Moesia) in 2013," Swiatowit 52, fasc. A, 197-208.
Tomas, A. 2013. "A New Dedicatory Inscription from Novae (Moesia inferior)," Swiatowit 52, fasc. A, 79-86.
Tomas, A. 2015. "Non-Destructive Investigations in the Extramural Area of Novae (Lower Moesia) in 2014," Swiatowit 53, fasc. A (forthcoming).
Tomas, A. and M. Lemke. 2015. "The Mithraeum at Novae Revisited," in: A. Tomas (ed.), Ad fines Imperii Romani. Studia Professori Thaddeo Sarnowski septuagenario ab amicis colle-gis discipulisque dedicata, Warszawa, 227-247.
Valov, V. 1965. "Antični nekropoli v Svisovsko," Arheologia 7/1, 27-34.
Vladkova, P. 2015. "Free-Standing Towers West from Novae," in: L. Vagalinski and N. Sharankov (eds.), Limes XXII. Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies: Ruse, Bulgaria, September 2012, Sofia, 187-194.
Jak cytować
Sarnowski, T., Tomas, A., Kowalevskaja, L., Zakrzewski, P., Dziurdzik, T., & Jęczmienowski, E. (2014). Preliminary Report on the Excavations and Prospection Surveys of the University of Warsaw Archaeological Expedition. Archeologia, 65, 177–203. Pobrano z

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