The Gates of the Legionary Fortress at Novae (Lower Moesia)
Słowa kluczowe:
rzymski o. -- Bułgaria, Novae (Bułgaria), legiony rzymskie, obozy wojskowe rzymskie, architektura obronna rzymska, forty rzymskie, bramy rzymskieAbstrakt
This paper aims to gather all available data about the early and late Roman gates of the legionary fortress at Novae, which have been obtained during the excavations conducted from 1960 up till now. The inquiry included archaeological reports from the 1960s and 1970s and various contributions concerning this topic, as well as multiple field observations made by the author during his work as a member of the University of Warsaw Archaeological Expedition, acting as site assistant and trench supervisor. Recent discoveries and evidence-based systematic evaluation of architectural components of the gates of Novae allow us to start a new discussion about their specific layout in the context of other Roman military installations
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