About the Journal

The yearbook "Archeologia", was published in the years 1947-2018.
Initially, as Rocznik Towarzystwa Archeologicznego we Wrocławiu poświęconego historii sztuki i kultury materialnej [the yearbook of the Archaeological Society in Wrocław, devoted to the History of Art and Material Culture], since 1953 it has been published in Warsaw as "Archeologia".
The first editor of the yearbook was prof. Kazimierz Majewski, an outstanding researcher of the culture of the ancient world. Under his supervision, the journal became a medium appreciated in the world of science: for years, it was the only one to present the results of research on Soviet archeology in congress languages.

Editors of "Archeologia":
Kazimierz Majewski - volume I (1947) - volume XXXII (1981)
Maria Nowicka - vol. XXXIII (1982) - vol. LIV (2003)
Piotr Taracha - volume LV (2004) - volume LXIII (2018)