Studies of Media Audience: An Ethnographic Approach



Podhale, Poland, rural areas, media audience, common sense, local knowledge, regional identity


This article summarizes the project Ethnography of Media Audience and Local Common Sense, implemented 2012–2014. The introductory part briefly presents previous ethnographic fieldwork undertaken in Poland and other countries concerning the reception of media, as well as basic theoretical assumptions, which are explained in relation to the literature of the subject. The results presented in this paper pertain to the specifics of conversations in the rural areas of Podhale and their subjects in relations to the media: the influence of movies, TV series, local means of Internet usage, and associated dangers and opportunities. The concluding summary concerns: local ways of verifying media coverage through confrontation with everyday life experience; transformation of media coverage through previously acquired common knowledge; reinforcement of regional stereotypes by the media; and strengthening of the Internet as a technology that creates new means of earning money and heavily divides the already existing age groups.


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Author Biography

Anna Malewska-Szałygin, Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology - University of Warsaw

PhD Hab., associate professor in the IECA UW, 


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How to Cite

Malewska-Szałygin, A. (2018). Studies of Media Audience: An Ethnographic Approach. Ethnologia Polona, 38, 137–152. Retrieved from