Who Speaks Belarusian? The Language Situation in the Republic of Belarus



Belarus, bilingualism, grass root movement, national identity, social activism, social organisation, Trasianka, vulnerable language


The article presents the current situation of the Belarusian language and of its speakers. The analysis is based on empirical material collected with the use of ethnographic methods during the period from 1998 to 2005 and 2010, as well as on information found in the professional literature on this subject and on the Internet. The article explains why Belarusian is seen not only as a communication code, but also as a stigma and a manifestation of political views, and how this situation shapes the attitudes towards the language. Additionally, the article presents efforts focused on the promotion of Belarusian language and culture undertaken by informal groups, such as Spajemstvo or “Let’s Be Belarusians!” The article also shows the difference between the perceived and real use of Belarusian in everyday life.


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Author Biography

Katarzyna Waszczyńska, Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology - University of Warsaw

PhD. in ethnology


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How to Cite

Waszczyńska, K. (2018). Who Speaks Belarusian? The Language Situation in the Republic of Belarus. Ethnologia Polona, 38, 171–186. Retrieved from https://journals.iaepan.pl/ethp/article/view/53

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