German Transmigrants in Poznań – a Specific Subject for Ethnological Study
transnationalism, transmigrants, migrations, Germans, Wielkopolska, businessmen, stereotype, identity, lifestylesAbstract
Transnationalism is closely associated with globalisation processes, the progress of civilisation and advances in technology. It is a characteristic kind of migration, where migrants move back and forth between the country of origin and current state of residence, functioning in the social, political and cultural contexts of both, creating a “transnational social space”. The confrontation of previous behaviours, habits and values with new experiences results in specific changes caused by a state of “being between”, affecting lifestyle, opinions about oneself and others, the stereotypical perception of “others”, and attitudes towards such matters as work, friendship, family life, etc. The transformations occurring during the process of adaptation tend not to apply to deeply rooted values and do not lead to assimilation, which in the past was a frequent consequence of migration. These issues constitute the subject of a study the present author has been conducting since 2008, and which the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) began funding in 2009 as part of the grant “Transnationalism in the Polish-German Context. Germans in Poznań and Poles in Berlin”. The majority of Germans living in Poznań represent a transmigrant community. This paper presents a profile of the group and identifies the main problems the author encountered while researching it.
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