A New Anthropological Project: Poles of Success – Between Emigration and Transnationality: New Aspects of the Polish Diaspora in Western Europe
Poles, success, migration, transnationalism, transmigration, European Union, agglomeration, identity, integration, adaptation, diaspora, scattered communityAbstract
This article presents new anthropological research undertaken by a team of five fieldwork experienced ethnologists. The aim of this project is to understand the mechanisms and circumstances of the success achieved by Polish migrants living in selected EU countries (England, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, and Germany). “Poles of success” have not been the object of any in-depth studies on migration yet. Therefore, the aspiration of the research team concentrated on 3 aspects:
1.Analysing how “success” was achieved. The principal investigator and his team assumed that the strate-gies involved in migrants achieving success are dependent on: the time of migration, push & pull fac-tors, cultural and social capital and contact networks (in the country of origin and in the host country). Another assumption is that success is more often achieved in isolation from the Polish community, in so-called scattered communities. The category of success is presented not only in terms of economic success, but first of all in social and cultural contexts, recognizing the success of those who perceive themselves as successful people and those who are regarded as such.
2.Identifying factors that contribute to achieving success outside the home country. Researchers assume that the most important of these are: professional, material and family stabilization, and their relation-ship with the processes of adaptation and integration in the country of settlement.
3.Identifying the transnational context of ‘the migrants of success’ in relation to their cultural compe-tence acquired abroad. We believe that many Poles achieve success thanks to being able to function smoothly in two (or more) societies. The intercultural context reinforces the sense of accomplishment and, successful adaptation strategies affect the development of a transnational lifestyle.
The final resultof this 3-year project will be presented in publications, describing the most significant findings compared to the general migration processes taking place in Europe.
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