Life on the Borderland: Buryats in Russia, Mongolia and China



Buryats, Mongolia, Russia, China, ethnicity, Buryatness, Mongolness


This article1 discusses the relations and some of the mutual Buryat-attitudes of three countries, namely Russia, Mongolia and China. The mass migrations which took place in the first half of the twentieth century divided state borders and the way these countries political contexts affected their identity and mutual opinions. This article also explores some relational aspects o of Buryats with the rest of Mongols in these countries and the role of Buryats in the development of culture.


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Author Biographies

Prof. Ewa Nowicka, Institute of Sociology - Collegium Civitas, Warsaw

Professor in sociology and social anthropology at the Collegium Civitas in Warsaw.

Ayur Zhanaev, Institute of Applied Social Sciences - University of Warsaw

PhD. in social sciences; assistant professor at the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Resocialisation (University of Warsaw).


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How to Cite

Nowicka, E., & Zhanaev, A. (2017). Life on the Borderland: Buryats in Russia, Mongolia and China. Ethnologia Polona, 37, 121–132. Retrieved from