Guest from the West: Early Hallstattian hoard with ornaments discovered near Nisporeni
Early Iron Age, Hallstatt, hoard, deposit, Röshitz-Sanislău typeAbstract
part of the Republic of Moldova. The artefacts (about 150 items) were discovered in a pit, about 50 cm deep and among them were: two fibulae of Röschitz-Sanislău type, seven necklaces, 12 rings, 22 tubes, 23 bracelets, about 80 appliqués, a coral bead, a wild animal tusk pendant and 21 amber beads. The objects from this deposit are of western origin, with known analogues in deposits from Poland, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia and less in Romania. Apparently, despite the wider dating of the deposit within HaA2-HaB1-2, the date of deposition was probably closer to the upper limit. In addition, the Nisporeni deposit perfectly illustrates the cultural dynamics of the region in the Early Iron Age, that is, the fundamental change in the vector of cultural influences from Eastern to
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