Methods for studying the raw material of pottery of antiquity (on the example of material from Olbia)
Antiquity, Northern Black Sea region, Olbia, pottery, methods, interdisciplinary researchesAbstract
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the methodology of researching the potential pottery raw materials of excavated material from the antique polis using the example of Olbia in the North Western Black Sea region. The historiography of the issue is considered and the main methods are defined. It includes fieldwork, laboratory analyses and their interpretation, as well as an experimental component. The discussion is based on the description of the stages of fieldwork, the study of the macromorphological structure of the clay deposits, micromorphological and granulometric analysis of ancient ceramics and experimental products made of potential pottery raw materials. According to the obtained results, it can be said that the population of Olbia used local materials in pottery making, although their characteristics are specific for the preparation of the clay mass. A comprehensive study confirmed the ability to find out the raw material base of the ancient polis and the possibility of its application at other sites.
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