Chipped lithic artefacts from Paradimi and Krovili (Thrace, Northern Greece). Remarks from the 2020 surface investigations




Greece, Aegean Thrace, Neolithic, Paradimi culture, chipped lithic artefacts, raw material


The paper presents flaked lithic materials from two tell-type Neolithic sites Paradimi and Krovili located in Eastern Thrace. They were obtained during systematic and detailed surface surveys. All the collected lithic materials were examined and described. Some conclusions about processing and sources of raw materials were presented along with comparisons to other Neolithic sites in northern Greece.


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How to Cite

Pelisiak , A., Urem-Kotsou, D., Dębiec, M., Matsas, D., & Chrysafakoglou, P. (2023). Chipped lithic artefacts from Paradimi and Krovili (Thrace, Northern Greece). Remarks from the 2020 surface investigations. Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 75(2), 225–250.



Field Survey and Materials

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