A contribution to research on the knapped lithic assemblage from the Late Neolithic site of Altheim in Lower Bavaria





middle Neolithic, Altheim culture, earthworks, lithics studies, arrowheads, conflict


The lithic artefacts from Altheim, being regarded as essential for the interpretation of the site, have for a very
long time attracted attention. Here we concentrate on the discoveries made during the excavation of sections of ditches in 2013-2020. Certain earlier observations were confirmed by the latest excavations, namely the high proportion of arrowheads among the flaked stone tools. A large number of the arrowheads were burnt. Many of them have broken tips, and all the analysed arrowheads with broken tips bear diagnostic impact fractures: stepterminating bending fractures or spin-off fractures specifically in the shape of small fractures on the edge between one surface of the arrowhead and the surface of the fracture of the tip. These suggest an angle of impact of the arrow into a hard surface of about 60°-70°. Broken and burnt arrowheads were found in the solid context of the structures. The context suggest that these arrowheads can be connected with conflict.


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Webpage http://www.flintsource.net/; access 30.04.2024




How to Cite

Pelisiak, A., Saile, T., & Dębiec, M. (2024). A contribution to research on the knapped lithic assemblage from the Late Neolithic site of Altheim in Lower Bavaria. Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 76(1), 497–531. https://doi.org/10.23858/SA/76.2024.1.3738



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