Fortified strongpoint of the Russian Army from the 1914 offensive on Kraków at Raciborowice- Prawda, Site 3, Kraków District (S. Poland)




artillery, barrow, Battle of Kraków, Kraków Fortress, field fortifications, World War I


The paper discusses a previously unknown earthwork of a fortification of the First World War found in the investigation of a barrow at Site 3 in Prawda in Raciborowice (Kraków district). The discovery consisted of a fortified strongpoint for all around defence enclosing the top of the barrow. It was built by the Russian troops during the offensive on Kraków from November to December 1914, after the strategic retreat of the Austro-Hungarian army towards the south, under the cover of the fortress artillery, ending the Battle of Kraków. The paper fills the gap in knowledge about the combat taking place between the Battle of Kraków and the battles on the right bank of the Vistula River, enabling the reconstruction of those events and giving insight into the material culture of the soldiers participating in them.



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How to Cite

Niebylski, J. M. (2024). Fortified strongpoint of the Russian Army from the 1914 offensive on Kraków at Raciborowice- Prawda, Site 3, Kraków District (S. Poland). Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 76(2), 399–453.



Field Survey and Materials