A New Early Holocene site in Ujście. A preliminary report on the Mesolithic settlement of the Middle Noteć Valley
Early Holocene, Mesolithic, ice-marginal valley, Duvensee/Komornica complex, Maglemose complexAbstract
The paper present the newly registered early Mesolithic Ujście Site 37 located on the edge of Toruń-Eberswalde ice-marginal valley. Inferring from techno-typological analysis of collected lithic materials, the site consists of two settlement horizons of Preboreal/Boreal chronology: the older related to the Duvensee/Komornica complex and the younger correlated with the Maglemosian complex. The chronological sequence is comparable with that known from the adjacent sites Krzyż Wielkopolski 7 and Żuławka 13. The paper presents the results of preliminary studies of Ujście Site 37 and its potential for future research on Mesolithic settlement in Central European Plain.
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