An axe Head from a Przeworsk Culture Settlement in Janowiec or Pictures from the Life of European Barbaricum Warriors
ancient weapons, Germanic tribes, crisis of the third century, blunt weapons, West Balt Circle, Wielbark CultureAbstract
The paper presents a stray find of an axe head from the Przeworsk culture settlement at Janowiec. It is a medium weight head attributed to sub-Group II.2 after B. Kontny (2018), dated generally to the Roman Period (Phases B2-C1a). Its shape does not allow the function to be determined univocally. Most probably it was a multifunctional tool. The aforementioned axes were used mainly in the Balt milieu, but they were also known but rather not used as weapons in the Przeworsk culture. Single finds from northern Europe may be explained by the participation of the Balt warriors in the military events at these areas. One may consider the possibility that the axes and some other parts of the military equipment became commonly used thanks to multi-ethnic military expeditions and the migrations with a military background connected, among other things, with the crisis of the Roman Empire in the 3rd century.
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