The The remains of the “Battle of Kraków”, fought during World War I, as exemplified by site Sadowie-Kielnik 1, Kraków district


  • Jakub Michał Niebylski Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Sławkowska 17, 31-016 Kraków, Poland


Słowa kluczowe:

conflict archaeology, Krakow Fortress, Lesser Poland, military equipment and armaments, World War I


This article presents the archaeological remains of World War I that were discovered in 2016 at the multicultural site Sadowie-Kielnik 1, Kraków district. The fights that broke out there were part of the Battle of Kraków, which took place between November 16-25, 1914. The parties to the conflict were the armies of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the Russian Empire. The consequence of this battle was the halting of the attack of the Russian Army towards the west, which resulted in pushing them out of Galicia. A collection of 145 artefacts related to both armies was analysed. Additionally, archaeological features – field fortifications – were interpreted as well. This helped to explain their strategic function and to determine which of the two armies built them. It was also possible to determine the date of their construction and the time during which these fortifications were occupied by the army.


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Jak cytować

Niebylski, J. M. (2020). The The remains of the “Battle of Kraków”, fought during World War I, as exemplified by site Sadowie-Kielnik 1, Kraków district. Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 72(2).



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