Revisiting the Neolithic chronology of the Dnieper steppe region with consideration of a reservoir effect for human skeletal material


  • Nadezhda Kotova Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Słowa kluczowe:

Neolithic cemeteries, the Surskoy culture, the Azov-Dnieper culture, Dnieper rapids, radiocarbon chronology, reservoir effect for human bones


The comparison of the radiocarbon dates for human and animal bones from the Neolithic cemeteries of the Dnieper region makes it necessary to determine an age of sites only with using of the animal bones. This fact has made significant corrections of the dating of the Neolithic cultures in the steppe Ukraine at the second part of the 6th –first part of the 5th millennia calBC. The revision of the chronological position of some Surskoy culture cemeteries (Vovnigi 3, Vovnigi 1, the first stage of Vilnyanka, the first and second stages of Yasinovatka 1) have defined their chronology  more precisely than earlier (about 5350-4950 calBC) and the latest sites of the Surskoy culture have to be dated about 4900-4800 calBC. According the correction, the period 1b of the Azov-Dnieper culture is dated at about 5750-4900 calBC. The second period of the Azov-Dnieper culture should be dated around 4900-4700 calBC.


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Jak cytować

Kotova , N. (2018). Revisiting the Neolithic chronology of the Dnieper steppe region with consideration of a reservoir effect for human skeletal material . Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 70, 47–66.


