Middle and Late Copper Age settlements from the Brînzeni microzone on the Prut river: older research in a modern background


  • Stanislav Țerna "High Anthropological School" University and National Museum of History of Moldova
  • Sergiu Heghea Center for Archaeology, Institute of Cultural Heritage of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova



Słowa kluczowe:

Cucuteni-Tripolye culture, Republic of Moldova, large sites, settlement layout, Brînzeni stage, burnt houses, pits, material culture


The article presents an overview of the fieldwork from XXth century performed mainly by the Moldavian archaeologist V. Marchevici in the outskirts of the Brînzeni village (Edineț district, Republic of Moldova). The investigated sites refer to the middle and late stages of the Cucuteni-Tripolye culture’s evolution. Features unearthed on these settlements as well as the archaeological materials offer important data both for the research of formation of the specific Cucuteni-Tripolye large settlements and for the analysis of the subsequent disintegration and fragmentation of culture in the Final Copper Age.


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Jak cytować

Țerna, S., & Heghea, . S. (2017). Middle and Late Copper Age settlements from the Brînzeni microzone on the Prut river: older research in a modern background . Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 69, 297–325. https://doi.org/10.23858/SA69.2017.012



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