On the road from the Early to High Middle Ages: Glass of the 9th–13th centuries in Bohemia
Bohemia, Middle Ages, archaeometry, chemical type of glass, glass-working, glass ornaments, vessel, window panesAbstract
The paper discusses the main changes in the glass and glass artefacts in Bohemia in the Early and at the beginning of the High Middle Ages (AD 850 1300) from an archaeological and archaeometric point of view. The results of chemical analyses (SEM-EDS) presented in the VITREA database identify the different chemical types of glass used for personal glass ornaments (beads and rings), glass windowpanes, vessels and other products. A major complex change, both in the type of artefacts and sites, and in the chemical composition of glass, occurred in Bohemia shortly after 1000. Changes in the following period took place gradually, culminating in the second half of the 13th century when glass-making started in local glasshouses
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