The symbolism of Hercules in the religious and political propaganda of the Roman Empire as attested by a terra sigillata bowl from Górzyca in Słubice County
Hercules, Lezoux, terra sigillata, imperial propaganda, Górzyca, Wielbark culture, BarbaricumAbstract
The paper considers the symbolic aspects of the figure of Hercules depicted on a terra sigillata bowl discovered in Górzyca, Słubice County, in the context of the Roman mythical hero cult. Hercules, a superhuman hero equal to the gods, played a very special role in Roman religion and Imperial ideology. The vessel is an example of exquisite tableware produced in specialized provincial workshops. The relief decoration of such dishes allows us not only to identify particular potters and workshops, but also to propose the dating in terms of absolute chronology. Terra sigillata vessels constitute one of the most important categories of Roman imports in the Barbaricum, a community of Wielbark culture being one of the recipients
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