Striped Flint in Archaeological Materials Around the Outcrops of the Kraków-Częstochowa Striped Flint Variety
Kraków-Częstochowa striped flint, Ryczów Upland, southern Poland, distribution of raw materials, prehistoric settlementAbstract
Many varieties of siliceous raw materials can be found in the territory of Poland. Known exclusively from in situ outcrops in the Holy Cross Mountains area until recently, striped flint is distinctive in terms of its technical and visual features. The authors present the state of knowledge about the variety of striped flint from the Ryczów Upland, the outcrops of which were found only about a decade ago. New data obtained from the central part of the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland has cast interesting light on the issues of the origin of striped flint and the ways it was used by the prehistoric communities inhabiting the region. Identifying the sites of siliceous rocks outcrops, extraction and distribution are extremely important at not only the local but also trans-regional level.
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