Useless Stones? The Potential of Lithics in Palaeodemographic Research


  • Michał Adamczyk Department of Archaeology, National Museum in Szczecin
  • Marta Chmiel-Chrzanowska Chair of Archaeology, University of Szczecin


Słowa kluczowe:

Lithics, Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Central and Northern Europe, Basic group size, Identification of individuals and group structure, Estimated size of territory, Mobility in prehistory


The following paper will ask questions concerning the usefulness and potential of lithics in palaeodemographic research. Lithic material is the most common find among Stone Age sites in Central and Northern Europe. Osteological material is extremely rare, and can therefore not form the basis for demographic analysis. However, previous studies have shown that in some cases a detailed analysis of lithics can provide information concerning group size and structure, as well as territory size and mobility in prehistory. We will use case studies from Central and Northern Europe from the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic periods to describe this issue.


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Jak cytować

Adamczyk , M., & Chmiel-Chrzanowska , M. (2018). Useless Stones? The Potential of Lithics in Palaeodemographic Research . Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 70, 31–45.


