On the chronology of the Sabatynivka group of the Cucuteni-Trypillia cultural complex (Central Ukraine)
Cucuteni-Trypillia, Radiocarbon dating, Relative chronology, Typological analysis, Skelia wareAbstract
The paper treats the dating of the Sabatynivka group of Cucuteni-Trypillia. The authors compared the sets of radiocarbon dates, which were obtained for the sites of the aspect, analyzed the relative chronology of the Sabatynivka group, and checked their correspondence with the dating of the contemporaneous cultural aspects. This approach helped to establish the synchronism of the Sabatynivka group with the Skelia phase of Seredny Stog culture, Gumelniţa A2 and Cucuteni A3-A4. The sites of the group existed during 44-42 centuries BCE.
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