Mesolithic Ulna “daggers” from Dąbki Site 9 – on the track of their function




Mesolithic, bone tools, ulna dagger, traceology, experimental archaeology, Dąbki 9


So-called “bone daggers” made from ulna bones of Cervidae are commonly found at Late Mesolithic hunter-gatherer sites of the western circum-Baltic area. The main objective of this paper is to showcase the results of the technological and functional analysis conducted on three tools found at the Dąbki 9 site in northern Poland. During the traceological analysis, technological traces facilitated the reconstruction of the chaîne opératoire of the tools’ production process. The use-wear also points to the probable function of the artefacts. The results presented in this work are discussed in the context of other artefacts of a similar type known from various prehistoric contexts.


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How to Cite

Orłowska, J. (2024). Mesolithic Ulna “daggers” from Dąbki Site 9 – on the track of their function. Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 76(1).



Field Survey and Materials