What has the sea taken from us? Cognitive possibilities of studying artefacts from newly-discovered submerged prehistoric sites in Puck Bay (Gulf of Gdańsk, Baltic Sea)
Baltic Sea, Puck Bay, submerged stone age sites, flint dagger, bâton percé, absolute chronologyAbstract
The article presents the latest results of research in the area of the Bay of Puck. After the last glaciation, the Bay of Puck was gradually flooded by sea water. As a result, we can expect submerged Stone Age sites in this area. The article discusses the latest results of underwater research in this area and analyses in detail four new underwater sites from this region, including a loose find of a bâton percé from Hel dated to about 7000 BC, a collection of flint artefacts, including a flint dagger and pottery from Late Neolithic/Protobronze Age site on Seagull Sandbar and two antler adzes from Site 23 in Puck. A typological and technological analysis of the artefacts was carried out, including analyses of working traces and radiocarbon dating.
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