Organisation of activities in settlements of the southeastern group of the Funnel Beaker Culture. Patterns of use and deposition of lithic artefacts from Zawarża, Site 2, Pińczów commune




Funnel Beaker culture, Neolithic, lithic analysis, lithic use-wear analysis, spatial analysis


The aim of the study is to provide an insight in the possible modes of use of space and organization of work within the settlements of the south-eastern group of Funnel Beaker Culture (FBC SE) utilizing framework for integrating use-wear of lithic artefacts and intra-site analyses of their deposition patterns. Those analyses concerns Site 2 in Zawarża, Pińczów commune. Excavations on the site spanned from 1959 to 1963, culminating in the uncovering of 58 ares of the site, which equals approximately 60% of its supposed area. This fact along with already published set of data concerning archaeological remains, and short occupation period make it a nearly ideal candidate for testing new analytical approaches. This study utilizes traces of use recorded on 32 of the 119 flint artefacts, as well as the data on their deposition to identify possible functional areas of the site linked to butchering and related practices and other activities such as production or repairing of tools.


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How to Cite

Oberc, T. (2024). Organisation of activities in settlements of the southeastern group of the Funnel Beaker Culture. Patterns of use and deposition of lithic artefacts from Zawarża, Site 2, Pińczów commune. Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 76(1), 445–468.



Field Survey and Materials