Eastern LBK pottery: some observations on production techniques and the symmetrical structure of ornaments (Floreşti and Niezwiska)




Słowa kluczowe:

LBK pottery, pottery technology, ornament, symmetrical analysis


There are two collections that are stored in Saint Petersburg originating from the first LBK sites (Floreşti I and Niezwiska) investigated in the USSR during the 1950-60s by Tatiana Passek and Katerina Chernysh. Despite the incompleteness of this material, it allows us to make several observations regarding technical aspects of pottery production and its ornamentation. The production of LBK vessels is based on a coiling with subsequent forming by the “paddle-and-anvil” technique. Principal distinctions between production techniques make it possible to exclude the idea of links between the LBK and the subsequent Precucuteni-Tripolye A culture. The specifics of the forms and techniques of LBK ornamentation allows to propose that such ornamentation originates from non-ceramic prototypes. Additionally, the symmetrical analysis of Eastern LBK ornamentation indicates differences in symmetry preferences between the LBK and Cucuteni-Tripolye populations. According to the hypothesis of D. K. Washburn (2018), such a difference may indicate distinctions in the social structures of these cultures.


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Jak cytować

Palaguta, I., & Starkova, E. . (2021). Eastern LBK pottery: some observations on production techniques and the symmetrical structure of ornaments (Floreşti and Niezwiska). Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 73(1). https://doi.org/10.23858/SA/73.2021.1.2715



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