Traditions of ceramics production in the Central and Eastern Europe Eneolithic: Tripolye, late Malice and Lublin-Volhynian cultures


  • Elena Starkova The State Hermitage Museum
  • Anna Zakościelna Institute of Archaeology, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University



pottery, comparative analysis, cultures, Tripolye, late Malice, Lublin-Volhynian, technology


In the area of Podolsk Upland and Upper Dniester in the second half of the V and in the first half of IV millennia BC periodically co-existed the communities of three Eneolithic cultures, significantly different in terms of cultural inventories and economic systems: Tripolye (stages BII, CI), Malice (late phase) and Lublin-Volhynian (classical phase). For these cultures the indicated area was a peripheral zone of ranges, on which a various mutual relations, manifested in ceramic and flint production, took place.

The most explicit evidences of intercultural relations are manifested in the pottery production, when the technical and stylistic traditions are diffused among culturally different communities, living on the same or closely adjacent territories. In the contact zone occurs not only a syncretistic cultural units, such as the Ostrog-Zeman cemetery, but also ceramics of mixed traditions, with elements of Tripolye, Malice and Lublin-Volhynian cultures, such as the Bodaki settlement.

In order to identify the directions and nature of the relationship between these cultures, analysis of selected ceramic collections was carried out, taking into account a successive stages of production: selection of raw material, preparation of ceramic mass, forming vessels along with surface treatment, decorating and firing. In addition to archaeological methods, the petrographic and spectral analyzes (chromatography-mass spectrometry) were used to determine the organic components of the ceramic painting of the Tripolye and Lublin-Volhynian cultures.


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How to Cite

Starkova , E., & Zakościelna, A. (2018). Traditions of ceramics production in the Central and Eastern Europe Eneolithic: Tripolye, late Malice and Lublin-Volhynian cultures . Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 70, 67–85.




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