Spatial conflicts in the La Chana district of Granada. Analysis of the mural-based project “La Chana Open Gallery”



Słowa kluczowe:

mural art, perception of space, spatial conflicts, touristification


The paper discusses the initial phase of mural-based touristification of the La Chana district in Granada. It is possible to distinguish social, artistic and organisational groups that influence the formation and development of the “La Chana Open Gallery” project and between which spatial conflicts perpetuate. The paper draws attention to the differences in understanding of the space of the district and of art in it. This allows for a deeper reflexion on mural-based touristification, which is becoming increasingly popular worldwide.


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Jak cytować

Wróbel, A. (2023). Spatial conflicts in the La Chana district of Granada. Analysis of the mural-based project “La Chana Open Gallery”. Journal of Urban Ethnology, 21, 149–162.