Middle Palaeolithic flint materials from Central Poland. Case study of the site Polesie 1, Łowicz county, Łódź voivodship
Middle Palaeolithic, lithic analysis, Neanderthals settlement, Micoquian, Pleistocene in Central PolandAbstract
This paper deals with the presentation of flint artefacts of Middle Palaeolithic provenience discovered during the excavations at the site of Polesie 1 in the central part of Central Poland. An in-depth analysis of its morphology, taphonomy and readable technological features helped uncover some elements of the products of the Micoquian tradition. This article discusses these extraordinary findings in the context of their importance as the northern-most such finds on the map of Middle Palaeolithic sites in Poland. Selected elements of research on paleoenvironmental conditions of the studied area are also presented as key points in the discussion on the possibilities of researching the Neanderthal settlement ecumene within the Polish Lowland.
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